Who comes before the Messiah?

by label licker 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • label licker
    label licker

    Deuteronomy 18:15 talks of a prophet who would be raised up like me(moses);then, Malachi 4:5 says look! I am sending you Elijah before the coming of the great day of Jehovah and John 1:19 the people are asking John if he is the Christ, or is he Elijah, or is he the prophet.

    We know Christ is coming again. But according to Malachi, Elijah has to come before the Christ. It was as though John and others knew this for why ask if he's the Christ or Elijah or the Prophet?

    Now go to Revelation 11:5,6. Read up on what the two witnesses can do in the end. Fire issues from their mouth. Didn't Elijah shut off rain from the heaven, having fire fall from heaven in answer to prayer, called down fire on King Ahaziah's captain and his 50 men and parted the Jordan?Revelation 11:6 they have authorities over the waters to turn them into blood. Didn't Moses turn the Nile River into blood?

    I'm just saying before the end comes, the two witnesses have to appear for three and a half years and then the Christ comes who will do the judgeing. The two witnesses have to die and then Harmegeddon( the seventh trumpet is blown). According to the society, they say they are the two witnesses yet harmegeddon never came right after like the scriptures state in Revelation 11.

    And wasn't it Matthew 17:3 where it was Elijah and Moses who were with Christ in the transfiguration? Unless I would have read the hebrew scriptures there would be noway I could of understood the two witnesses in Revelation. God, did the WTBTS mess those scriptures up!

  • snare&racket

    Whoever it was that wrote Matthew , he writes that Mary was a virgin, he read the greek translation of Isaiah written after the death of Jesus by about 70 years minimum, where it speaks of virgin (greek) giving birth to a son, the mistake being that all the original hebrew said "young woman". Woops... Caught red handed. Any biblical scholar knows this and it is a well established FACT. not even catholics deny this error ... Why would you try to intepret the future based on such flimsy books? Including Matthew....

    snare x

    ps... Really im intregued....

  • label licker
    label licker

    I was making a comparison with the two witnesses and the Messiah who are coming in the end as to who they MIGHT be in the greek scriptures to the hebrew scriptures. That's all:) Wasn't questioning the validity of Mary's virginity. Wasn't there.

  • transhuman68

    You are right, label licker ; the Watchtower interpretation of the 'two witnesses' doesn't make sense: they are usually thought to be Elijah & Enoch, as they aren't recorded as having died naturally. But using the Hebrew Scriptures to identify Jesus doesn't work either- as these were written by the Jews who didn't and never have recognized Jesus as the Messiah.

  • myelaine

    dear label licker...

    the bible reader finds BOTH elijah and moses appear to have their beginning in the OT...the bible states that until Jesus (being the firstborn of the resurrection) there wasn't anyone who ascended to heaven but Him that decended. reasonably then, that would indicate that elijah actually found his beginning after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perhaps that is why, unlike beloved moses, there is no biography of his "beginnings"...he just arises in the biblical account as a preacher Malachi states that the same will happen...elijah will arise to preach a message of repentance and a restoration of the faith preached by the fathers to the sons (Behold I am sending you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction).mal.4:5-6

    at their return moses is the one to be resurrected because he died. elijah was translated to the heavenly realms... as both ARE messengers of God, it wouldn't be unusual that they are referred to as "angels"...rev.8:8 (moses)

    love michelle

  • label licker
    label licker

    Thank you Myelaine. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Elijah still alive after the windstorm. At 2 Chronicles 21:12-15 it reads Elijah and the letter he wrote expressing Jehovah's condemnation which took place later on.

    From what I'm trying to put together here from my studies is Elijah and now you have me studying again. Thank you for that scripture at Rev 8:8.

    Again, Transhuman68, you also make a good point with Enoch and Moses. That Jehovah took them but they couldn't have gone to heaven since Jesus hadn't descended first.

    Hebrews 11:35 = 1 Kings 17:17-24 + Hebrews 11:5 = Genesis 5:24 all of which are a great cloud of witnesses!

    Sure do hope we're around to see how this will all play out but one thing is for sure, I really do believe that god will give everyone a fair chance to know the whole truth and then we will be allowed to decide wheather we follow him or be destroyed. Unlike the witnesses who think they have the authority to go ahead of Jesus and judge people without letting them learn the accurate knowledge first. That accurate knowledge comes when the two witnesses come and then Jesus. In this way I do feel very bad for the witnesses. Not the society.

  • Crazyguy

    You should ask this over at paradisecafediscussions.org that bunch really is good at discussing bible topics.

  • sarahsmile

    WTBTS messed up the entire Revelation and added to it! That is how you know false prophets. Congrad. WTBTS are suppose to have some sort of decernment right? It is just crazy how they place themselves in prophecy. That is what they do! If they can not explain something it is them, not. So when you start asking questions your marked.

    I do not feel bad for the JWs. Most are just ignoring the facts and have blinders on.

    Not too sure that they two witnesses are angels.

    I am going with the Moses and Elijah but who knows I will just leave it to the future.

    Good Post.

  • *lost*


    I have spent time thinking of this also. There is so much confusion in the world now, no trust, no honesty, no justice ( I guess it is the same as it always was, but as 'Christians' we see the good more than the bad, until it slaps us round the face ... preoper hard)

    I too was a bit confused over the Two Witnesses. (confused about much actually )

    I think your right about the Two Witnesses becoming known near the time of the end, as you say. Good topic.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Who comes before the Messiah?

    If he is in excellent control.......Mrs. Messiah.

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