New book - "Journey to Gods House" by Brock Talon

by AnnOMaly 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LivingTheDream


    You are one astute lady! You posting deserves answers since you started this thread to begin with and reviewed my book so fairly and eloquently.

    You must have received the paperback version of the book because we are not allowed to put page numbers on Kindle and Nook versions. I probably should have put page numbers in the table of contents for that paperback version, but I didn't like the way it looked when I tried it. I hoped that by my putting headings on each chapter it would help you find that chapter again if you needed to, rather than page numbers on the TOC. I guess I was wrong. I will correct this on the second printing... if I ever have enough books sold to justify that effort.

    My general rule of thumb was that I would obscure the name of any big shot that I was remotely critical of, but not worry about it if I wasn't really critical of them. It's why I named Fred Franz or Sydlik or Gangas, but hid other GB and hid heavies like the power hungry RW. I really didn't want my book to be about calling out people by name as bad guys. I was more interested in the lesson of the story rather than getting revenge on a particular person. GS (first name later revealed as Gene) was a different issue. I actually liked Gene very much at my stay at Bethel. But many ex-JW's hate this guy. I guess I didn't want those ex-JW folks to read my book, get distracted with that and say "Really, you LIKED that guy? Are you kidding?" So, after I wrote his parts, I later thought to remove his name too. I left in the first name by mistake in one passage that you have now pointed out. Oh well. I this still obscures him to all but the most astute and clued-in people like yourself though, so I have no regrets on that. I probably will take his name out completely on the second edition.

    Ray Franz the nephew was mentioned that way at first, then, typo, slip-of-the-brain, I called him brother later. My editor didn't catch it and neither did I on my many reviews. Oops. Another 2 edition correction needed.

    Finally, yes, Michael Jackson was suspected of child molestation, even way back then. He had not been put on trial for it at that time, but he still had that strange and unsettling fixation on children even in those days. So, the gay, child molester epithets flew at the Holy House of God, even in the 1980s.

    Brock Talon

  • NewYork44M

    Reading in process. Just found out your 6th birthday party was your last. At least for a while. Hope you are enjoying this pagan festivity now.

  • AnnOMaly

    You are one astute lady!

    It's more 'nitpicky' lady.

    You must have received the paperback version of the book because we are not allowed to put page numbers on Kindle and Nook versions.

    Ah, I didn't know that. Yes, I got the real, paper book. I've not been won over to Kindle ... yet. There have to be some markers on Kindle/Nook to navigate around, surely?

    My editor didn't catch it and neither did I on my many reviews.

    LOL. It's a lot harder to spot your own typos.

    Re MJ - I do remember his fixation with children in the '80s - his wanting to be around them all the time - but I guess the rumors of molestation didn't filter into MY consciousness until some news story about it broke in the early '90s. It's interesting that it was a hot topic way back when you were in Bethel.

    Have you ever had updates on how some of these characters' lives have turned out? E.g. do you have any idea what might have happened to 'Charity' or that 'Cutie' whose mother was pressuring you to make a commitment to her even though you'd only known her for two minutes? Did they marry Circuit Overseers? Become pioneers or missionaries? Meet and marry local brothers and pop out lots of little JW kids? Leave 'the Truth'? Become JWN members? I'm curious.

  • cedars

    I've bought it on kindle. Just finished chapter 1 and I'm enjoying it!


  • LivingTheDream


    I pretty much lost track of almost everyone in the book actually. When I left Bethel, I put all of that behind me.

    When I faded from "The Truth" about 13 years ago, I put everything else behind me as well.

    Never looked back.

    It wasn't until I stumbled upon JWN 2 years ago that I started thinking about any of this stuff again. Writing it all down was great therapy for me that I didn't realize I even needed.

    I guess I had that book sitting in my brain for 30 years.


    I have since tried to search for many of these folks however. I'm actually not done with that research. What I've found may appear in other writings later...

    Brock Talon

  • LivingTheDream

    Cedars - Please send me a PM on what you think about the ending of the book...

    Brock Talon

  • wizzstick

    I brought Journey To God's house the other week from Amazon. Read it, and now my wife is reading it too.

    Very funny at times, very sad at others. Brilliantly captures what it like being a JW, and being at Bethel.

    I was in the UK Bethel for only a short time, in 2000 so almost 30 years later. Yet in another country, and in another generation (ha!), it was still a cold place, with fruitcakes and sycophants in. Never before have I been with such a unhappy group of people. Not everyone one was of course, but you could feel it in the atmosphere.

    Back to the book though. Some great stories in. The Bethel Film Night, Hanger Man and so on. God ordering ice cream. But in the end it's the same journey all of us have had. The couple who switched off as soon as they were told Brock was leaving. Oh dear, and all so true.

    I'd recommend for anyone who has left the Truth, or is leaving as part of their therapy. Also for any non-JW's who want to know more about the Org.

    Thanks you 'Brock' for a great read with ultimately a happy ending.

    Looking forward to the sequel!

  • LivingTheDream


    Thanks for your kinds words about my book. I've had a lot of fun with the You tube comments, emails, Facebook messages, etc. from everyone since its publication last August.

    Since you mentioned a possible sequel, I wanted to tell you that I have been working on one due to the positive response Journey to God's House has received. Since I took over a year to write my first book, I'll probably need that long to write another, but at least I have started on it.

    I will be describing this book as a "prequel/sequel" to Journey to God's House. It will tell my story before I went to Bethel and then what happened after I returned and left the Watchtower org. I'll probably add some new Bethel stories into the mix assuming that not everyone who reads this book will have necessarily read the first one. I want this book to stand on its own.

    Brock Talon

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Alright bought it and downloaded the nook app to read in secret

  • AnnOMaly

    Hi Brock! Great to hear you're bringing out another book

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