trying to keep my brain alive

by Hortensia 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    BOC - I like that idea. Maybe I'll subscribe to a French magazine, so I can try reading and translating. Something simple like a French version of "People" magazine.

    Or find a French version of a book I've already read.

    Thanks you all for the ideas!

  • Mum

    "Ce que vous parlez l'anglais?"

    I think the correct sentence would be "Est-ce que vou parlez anglais?"

    The definite article "le" is used before names of languages, with the exception of: after the verb "parler."

    It sounds as if you're doing fine. I wish I lived near you, and we could practice together.

    It's "s'il vous plait," literally "if it is pleasing to you." The subject is "il," so the third person singular is the correct form of the verb.

    "Plais" is second person indicative, informal.

    PM me if I can help any further. I have somewhat of a facility with language. I started with French as a junior in high school (in the paleolithic age).

  • Mum

    I am also retired, and working on my brain. I recently joined Lumosity. They had a special, $90 or so for two years. I have been doing their brain exercises for about a month. I am slow (after all, I'm from Tennessee), but flexibility is my strongest point brain-wise. After that, it's memory and problem solving.

    I also do sudoku puzzles, crossword puzzles, play online trivia games and read as much as I can.

    I have a recommendation for your French studies if you have some cash. Look on e-bay first. "French in Action" is a series of videos/DVD's with textbook and workbook that you can buy and learn the essentials of French. A telecourse was taught on PBS using these materials. The teacher is Pierre Capretz, a Yale professor (now probably retired). Yale allegedly has the best French program in the U.S. I follow along in the textbook as I watch the episodes. I love language, and if I had the means, I woud learn every language I could.

  • prologos

    they dont speak habitant (the soup) they speak joal. and then french has only two genders, if it is not a boy or a girl it does not exist.

    vivre la difference.

    most other languanges have an it.

  • NVR2L8

    Prologos you mean "joual" which is slang for cheval...this perception of how québécois speak French has long disappeared.

  • prologos

    yeah, disappeared like the generation of 1914, the HORSE and buggy age.

    we hope the quiet revolution will arrive here too.

  • Hortensia

    What a lot of good advice! Sorry about the spelling, Mum. I've been doing some online spelling practice for french learners, but frankly the way they spell things is very confusing. Still, I think I'll get it one of these days.

    I tried lumosity, but didn't want to spend the money on joining. Mensa has a free games page, so I play some of their games every day. It's all kind of fun. My brain is simply not as flexible as it once was!

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674


    Trying to keep your brain alive is an admiral thing. I read once that by the time the average human is 4 years old he/she has already learned 1/2 of everything they will ever know.

  • mercedes_29

    Salut Hortensia! Bon courage avec tes études. I teach Middle School French I and I have some on-line resources I can send to you. PM me if you'd like them. Bravo for taking the time and energy to keep your mind active.

  • Hortensia

    Merci! Je vous envoyé un message (pm).

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