Marathon service days before Sept 1

by gbrn 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    When it becomes a target, they are missing the point. Its about people not hours...

    I don't think I ever got my annual quota of 90hrs a month, i did do long days however. I used to end the Friday by visiting bro's n sis in hospital. Seemed better than walking the streets or bothering people eating dinner.

    ironically I'm now working in that hospital and have sacked off the pioneering lol.

  • wannaexit

    AAHH yes --I remember those. While everyone else enjoys "the lazy days of summer", pioneers enjoy the "marathon service days before new service year starts".

    I never participated in the 24 deals, I do remember the 12-13 hour dashes to finish. When I look back I am ashamed at myself for allowing my life to be controlled like that. :(

  • gingerbread

    After a half-lifetime of involvement as a publisher, I've concluded that many join the 'pioneer ranks' with good intentions - to reach others in the community with the religion.

    But, if a full time pioneer is honest they would admit that they do it for themselves. They like the title, position, special meetings and training schools.

    Listen to interviews of pioneers at the assemblies. One question that is ALWAYS asked is "please tell us how full time service has benefited you spiritually."


  • Ucantnome

    i never when to any pioneer scool. And i only pioneered because i had no good reason not too. It wasn't a lot of fun we had really cold winters and very hot humid summers. I never wanted any privileges always hated them and when i left home i made sure i didn't get any

  • Gayle

    August is the month they try to round up and add any possible inactive publishers and any additional hours or minutes that weren't reported in any past months. This is the last month of their 2013 (fiscal ?) year so they can hype up any increases possible for their Annual Worldwide Report.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    When fellow Witnesses, especially elders and wanna-be elders spend a fraction of their "ministry hours" visiting, encouraging, and helping the brothers they've got already, then I'll view them as truly having Christ's mind.


    The Organization, Elders, would rather spend 100 times as many hours looking for a convert rather than keep a member they already have by doing shepherding visits. If two JWs leave but one new convert is made, the WT still thinks its growing.

    Even secular business is smart enough to realize it takes ten times as much money, time and effort to get a new customer as it does to keep a current customer.

    WT goes the opposite direction.

    When it becomes a target, they are missing the point. Its about people not hours...

    Shhhh!!! Don't tell WT. It'll mess up their whole system!

  • tiki

    24 hours straight?!? no sleep? that is completely insane - and i find it hard to believe in the first place. i can see 8 or even 10.....morning, afternoon, evening....but seriously.......crazy stuff.


    The Marathon.. Wake up!..

    JW Pioneer.. You lazy JW S.O.B.!!..

    .............................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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