I think I have finally reached the point were I have to make a hard decision....

by confusedandalone 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Giordano

    Here's what I believe. "Silence is God's natural language.....everything else is just a bad translation". Sounds like it's time for you to step away from an organization that has made Billions of dollars through free labor and donations. If you still need a little religion in your life find the best church you can. The way to do that is to find out who plays lead guitar in their band. This should sum it up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK_DOJa99oo

  • confusedandalone

    @Gio - I can stay home and listen to some Al Green while drinking coffee and be far better off LOL.

    I do not need any religion at all in life. I am donezo

  • clarity


    Hi ........ cheer up, you will blunder thru like most of us.

    Have a read of this post ...BrainCleaned's story...all of it

    will help you I think.

    Please scroll down to the 13th(lucky) post (mine) and click

    on Christopher Hitchens excellent discussion. It will help you greatly.

    I wish you all the best ...


  • ILoveTTATT

    Here's my beliefs: Agnostic. Human Secularist.

    Can't you try and find the GOOD in the Bible, and reject the BAD in it? There is always a silver lining...

    For example: Do to others as you would like them to do to you. Love your neighbour. Love even your enemies (try, at least, to feel pity for them... there are very few people who can be categorized as pure evil, most are just deceived people or their problems make them do bad things)... Go and find friends, nice people. Go to a gym, get into college, make some friends!! Try to discern if you can trust a person or not, if someone is not worthy of your trust, then don't trust them!! Simple as that...

    If you have any skills, or anything, try to help your fellow man. If you see someone who is struggling with something, offer to help! Opening the door for people. Helping a person cross the road. Find a good charity and help them out!! (It is better to find places where YOU PERSONALLY can help... like serving at soup kitchens, or going to a third-world country and making a house for poor people. Do this for a pure motive, not trying to preach to people but just being a decent human being!! Just enjoy the happiness you feel when you see that you have aleviated some missery (again, another thing from the Bible, there is more happiness in giving than receiving), even though it may not seem like much, just with that, you made this world a better place... much better than giving your money to a religion, or to a charity where you don't know if your money actually made a difference or not...))

    I would suggest that you STOP trying to understand the Bible. Just read it, extract the gems/actual wisdom from it, and leave all the rest.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Confusedandalone, I get where you are coming from. My husband and I faded together a year ago and he still believes the Bible but I don't any longer. I feel there could be a creator but not the one from the Bible that caused all of that pain and suffering. I really understand now why many who leave this religion become Athiest or Agnostics. I have always lived my life as honest and loving as I could. I grew up as a Presbyterian and had a lot of Catholic friends so I was very familiar with their religion then in my mid 20's I became a JW. I don't feel worse now that I am not worshiping a "god" in fact I am more at peace without that. I don't know if the JW's ruined it for me but I have no desire to read the bible or go to a church.

  • Finkelstein

    Men have always made the object known as god(s) in their own imaginative minds rooted mostly of the their own

    ignorance of the world we live in but being that this object is an object of great power and control, men will seek after

    this power for themselves.

    For example look at the power and money J Rutherford achieved for himself upon taking over the WTS. Corporation ?

    ie. man with no power creates power and control by exploiting other people's ignorance and insecurities.

  • Mum

    There are a lot of good Bible commentaries written by Biblical scholars. If you want to understand the Bible, I recommend some of these. One of the best is Peake's Commentary on the Bible. You might want to read Werner Keller's The Bible as History. John Calvin wrote some good commentaries. There are many others, too numerous to mention.

    Reading other "holy" books might also be enlightening. My favorite is the Tao te Ching. It is short and quick to read, but pausing to contemplate each verse can be very calming and centering.

    Personally, I believe religion was invented to control other people, particularly women. I don't know why religious men ascribe so much power and danger to women, but it's clear they think we need to be monitored closely.

    Best wishes on your journey.

  • confusedandalone

    "Can't you try and find the GOOD in the Bible, and reject the BAD in it? There is always a silver lining...

    For example: Do to others as you would like them to do to you. Love your neighbour. Love even your enemies (try, at least, to feel pity for them... there are very few people who can be categorized as pure evil, most are just deceived people or their problems make them do bad things)... Go and find friends, nice people. Go to a gym, get into college, make some friends!! Try to discern if you can trust a person or not, if someone is not worthy of your trust, then don't trust them!! "

    At this point to read the bible is a waste. I spent 30+ years doing so. There were indeed items within that are nice. But most of those same gems can be found elsewhere in books that don't necessarily have such contradictory messages.

    What is worse why do I really need to read the Golden Rule over and over again. It's like, after the first time I got it chief. The repetition seems unnecessary. I just can't force myself anymore to try to make something out of nothing. It also seems common sense to love everyone. Such is the case with most things in the bible. Common Sense would lead me to believe the same things.

    I currently have a gym in my home, I am far too busy with my business at this moment to go back to school again - but I do read plenty non-religious materials in my spare time while smoking and drinking. I am currently making more friends as well and that is helpful!

    I will say this... I like the Song of Solomon plenty cuz its a book of "FREAKTION"

  • confusedandalone

    " I don't feel worse now that I am not worshiping a "god" in fact I am more at peace without that. I don't know if the JW's ruined it for me but I have no desire to read the bible or go to a church. "

    This is exactly where I am at. A few days ago I sat in my backyard throwing a ball with mydog for nearly an hour... during this period I had a little WHiskey and a cigar. I fell asleep and my wife woke me and I realized i just had some fun. I didn't have to worry if God was gonna be mad because I was smoking. I didn't worry If I needed to pray that I dont become a drunk or that my neighbors saw me and I set a bad example. I didn't care that I wasted an hour doing nothing when I should have been reading the bible or preaching etc... Living life for the sake of living is frucking GREAT!

    I no longer feel bad that I am making God mad somehow... it feels freaking GREAT.

    My wife is pursuing things she never could before and she is so happy. I don't think she was in it as deep as I, but none the less she is so much happier. She never ever wants to discuss the bible or anything spiritual because she said it just doesn't provide her any real lasting peace or happiness. I CAN DIG THAT

  • cofty

    Life only began to make sense when I finally made peace with the realisation there is no supernatural.

    It all fits, no more mental gymnastics.

    The hiddenness of god is in my opinion the strongest argument against theism.

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