Does faith excuse serious problems with the bible?

by iCeltic 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you and cannot ignore these things either. And I don't want to hear any B.S. about how dare we question these things.

    How could a thinking person NOT question these things.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    One can believe in God or Jesus without having to be a literalistic bible reader, or neglecting the man-made nature of scripture.


    So, don't take the Bible literally but believe in the literalness of the two primary characters, God and Jesus? Tell me how this makes sense.

    "all scripture is inspired"- except "the man-made nature of scripture". Okay, that's as clear as mud.

    I've seen this line of argument made so many times here by fundamentalists. The Bible is inspired and we should believe what it says about god and Jesus- oh, but most/all of it is allegory, interpolations and not to be taken literally. But it has a lot of value.

  • iCeltic

    My feeling is that many people want to believe in god and Jesus, so much so that they do. Having just read what Shirley said there and see how odd it would be to think that way, the want must overtake reason (IMO)

    Of course I could be wrong, but to me belief in god asks way, way more questions than it answers.

  • punkofnice

    My 'meme' at the moment is that ''believers make god in their own image.''

    In other words god is and does/will do whatever the believer choses to delude themselves with.

  • GreenhornChristian

    Was Jesus of Nazareth a real person?


    Was he who he claimed to be?

    This seems to be where the debate should be held. If he is not who he claimed to be then the debate ends and we continue to rail against anyone who foolishly continues to believe. If he is who he says he is then we too have to accept that Jesus validated much of the OT that we find repulsive and individually process this into our belief system.

  • confusedandalone

    " Was he who he claimed to be?"

    Everything after this statement means nothing because there is no way to verify it 100%. Let's not forget that you are assuming that his existence matters and the HOLY BOOK he is mentioned in matters as well. Who is to say that the bible is truly inspired by GOD. WHoever says it is what proof do they have 0%. What proof will the ever have 0%.

    There are alot of Asians / Sub-Saharan Africans / Eskimoes / Native Americans / etc... that had no idea for thousands of years what the bible was, let alone what it contained. This would mean the bible was only for a small group of people - and that no one else mattered for thousands of years.

    What is worse the thought that we expect to process something repulsive into our belief system... doesn't that throw a red flag? I guess because those attrocities are so far removed from what people experience it is easy to say. However the idea that one has to think that slaughtering innocent women and babies is part of their belilef system that they must accept.

  • punkofnice

    IRO the validity of Jesus actually existing in the first place I started this thread as I was genuinely interested.

    Seems the evidence was very scant, if not non existant.

  • mP


    Was Jesus of Nazareth a real person?



    What proof have you got for anything Jesus did ? Basically we have four authors who could very well be making stuff up. THey make extraordinary claims we know never happened, eg the zombies walking about Jerusalem after jesus died in Matt.

  • GreenhornChristian

    Confusedandalone: Then it seems the debate is over.

  • mP


    What proof have you got for Jesus, besides repeating the gospels which themslegves have problems ?

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