Does faith excuse serious problems with the bible?

by iCeltic 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • iCeltic

    I constantly read that having faith is the answer to knowing that god (or in most cases, Jesus) exists. But to me it's quite clear there are serious difficulties in believing the bible.

    Adam and Eve

    Talking snake

    Global flood, every living creature in one vessel

    God commanding the execution of entire races

    Rape being ok

    Faithful men of old having sex with their own children.

    Can you just ignore these and many other serious problems with the bible?

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    I can't.


  • designs

    Apparently for over +billion Christian people on the earth faith leaps logic on a daily basis.

  • Seraphim23

    It depends in what mode one believes the bible. One can believe in God or Jesus without having to be a literalistic bible reader, or neglecting the man-made nature of scripture. Yet such ones can still get much out of the bible.

  • *lost*

    iCeltic - can you provide the references for where these are listed in the Bible, so that we can look them up and discuss them.

    I myself have never heard of it being ok for men to have sex with their children.

  • Phizzy

    "Faith" is trusting that something is true, without proof. That is no different to delusion in my mind.

    So, is it an excuse to say "I have faith that the Bible is the word of God", even though there is no proof that it is ?

    No, it is not an excuse that allows for repectablity in an intellectual sense, it is simply the ony get-out the believer has for explaining his/her delusion.

  • LostGeneration

    *lost* I believe he is referring to LOT:

  • 5go

    That and if a soldier raped a woman in battle he could marry her to make it right.

  • confusedandalone

    I have at this point come to think that GOD in the Bible is not THE GOD. As mentioned killing children and animals for no real reason. Playing favortism to one group of people. Not being truly explicit about anything. Not trying to do everything in his power to help modern day people realize he WANTS to help them. The God of the Old testament is completely different in every single way to the one in the New testament. What happened in that few hundred years?

    I like what faith can do however at the same time it is extremely scary what it can do. My wife has given me the best idea. Maybe God created things here and there are other dimensions and universes and he has no real reason to be concerned with us living forever etc... maybe he just got the big bang going and whatever is happening just happens.

    You get 70 or 80 years and then you die. Just have fun and accept it.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Whenever I would question anything in the bible I was told to have "faith". With a logical reasoning mind it takes more than just blind faith to make a person believe in something based on mythology. This along with religions human rights track record made my mind up.

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