Another one...nine felony counts - Sun Valley, CA

by Dagney 41 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Splash

    Shame they didn't use the more accurate and damning term 'deacon'.


  • Glitch

    As some may know, during the Conti Case, it came into question whether the abuser was an Ordained Minister within the congregation. In fact, one of the lawyers for the WT said in his opening statement of Jury Trial- Day One that WT is not responsible because this was “not a case where the pastor or clergy or religious leader perpetrated some of this. It was a rank and file member.” He went on to describe the abuser, a Ministerial Servant, as simply an USHER/ATTENDANT or rank and file memeber.

    According to WT, Ministerial Servants are ORDAINED MINISTERS…

    This is from the “Branch Organization” manual, February 2003, US Edition

    Chapter 4

    Congregations, Circuits, Districts

    5. CERTIFICATE FOR ORDAINED MINISTER : Currently appointed elders or ministerial servants in need of a certificate verifying their ordination may request one

    from the branch. When requesting a certificate, the individual will specifically state the reason the certificate is needed. Often a letter signed by the elders or the presiding overseer of the congregation will suffice to verify one’s ordination. If a Certificate for Ordained Minister is sent by the branch, it should be signed by the Branch Committee coordinator or someone else having authority to do so. It may be notarized if advisable. If it is necessary to specify the date of ordination, then show the date of baptism.

    Notgoinback posted the pdf download on his thread…long read but very revealing about EVERYTHING.

    Unless WT has changed their policy regarding this, (so what else is new?) then this makes this creep oficially an ordained minister.


  • Dagney

    I'm gutted every time I read one of these.

  • sir82

    If it is necessary to specify the date of ordination, then show the date of baptism.

    Written proof of the WT policy that all baptized JWs are considered ordained ministers by the WTS.

    Do any of the attornweys involved in these cases have copies of the Branch Manual? If not, seems like it would be a good idea to forward the info to them.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    It is a local problem, that happens everywhere. Will they ever learn?


  • adamah

    Sir82 said:

    Written proof of the WT policy that all baptized JWs are considered ordained ministers by the WTS.

    Huh? Where'd you get that? I'm not following.

    Not all baptized rank-and-file members go on to become elders and ministerial servants (eg most obvious example is that baptized FEMALES don't), AND the policy letter clearly states that the applicant HAS to have a need (eg in order to conduct marriage ceremonies, etc) in order to request a certificate from the branch to get a form which gives them legal-recognition as an 'ordained minister'.

    The certificate of ordination is all the Court cares about anyway, since they're not getting into the associated theological gobbedlygook of various religions. For the court, it's all about if you have the paperwork or not.

    BTW, anyone can become an ordained minister for whatever reason they want, even for free (although you'd probably only get DFed or excommunicated from many organized religions if you didn't follow their methods or get their approval first, LOL!):

    Who knows if the guy is ordained or not: that'll come out in the criminal and/or civil trial, I suppose.


  • mindnumbed
  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Quite interesting,

    I may have actually run into this pervert before. I need pictures. Sun Valley is just 6 miles from where I live. In fact, I likely know people who attend that congregation. As a friend of apostates, I doubt that I could get much info from anyone, but I will try to get more details. That kingdom hall is actually a double kingdom hall and most congregations, if not all, are Hispanic. I attended those halls 18 years ago when I was trying to steal, actually took away, one of the most coveted marriageable JW girls, now my wife. Two brothers-in-law and a nephew-in-law serve as elders in those congregations. They, the brothers in law, refused to attend their sister's wedding with me. Today my children, fathered by a pagan, are exemplary young people, while their children, born and raised in the truth by elder fathers...well, are not exemplary by any stretch of the imagination.

    Also, a friend (maybe he does not consider me a friend anymore, after I challenged him to prove vat 4956 fits the Watchtower chronology better than the conventional secular chronology) serves as an elder too.

  • AudeSapere

    This story lead the NBC 11 o'clock news tonight.

    The reporter was at the KingdomHall wanting to interview members but not one person would make eye-contact with the reporter. The church next door, however, was more willing to make comment. Apparently the church does background checks on anyone who serves in a position at their place of worship.


  • Dagney

    I never watch the 11PM news but I did tonight, and caught this. Thr police are hoping more step forward. I wonder what the direction is from HQ to the congregation.

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