If our Elders show up unannounced again....

by Newly Enlightened 31 Replies latest members private

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Thanks everyone.

    Bluesbrothers: The reason we called a lawyer is because these elders have been told several times to leave us alone and they keep calling and showing up at our house. I wanted to get a restraining order, but they are $125.00 in our county and BoTH & I cannot afford that right now. Also, we are members of Legal Shield and get free consultations, letter writing and a few other free services so why not? Just let them handle it.

    I wish we could have 1 more meeting with them JJ/Ray just to get you another good recording for your website.

  • LongHairGal

    Newly Enlightened:

    You don't have to spend a dime.

    I don't see why putting up a nicely worded poster on your front door wouldn't do the trick. Mine would say in black bold letters:

    NO Jehovah's Witnesses!

    Get off the property

    DO NOT CALL again.

    I think the problem arises with people becoming emotional and feeling "afraid" of confrontation. Well, you don't need to have a confrontation. Look before you answer the door and screen phone calls.

    If they corner you coming back from the store, just say "Get Lost and get out of here" and go in your house with your packages.

    They have to give up at some point.

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