Jehovah's Witnesses calling us "mentally diseased" hits Danish media

by Amelia Ashton 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    Sir82, they already have demonstrated time and again that they'll gladly pay "hush-money" rather than apologize. After all, it's not like they earned the money!

  • RagingBull

    at the convention, hearing that crap was so ridiculous....i struggled to keep the smirk off of my face. 3 or 4yrs in a row, they've dedicated a symposium in part to "APOSTATES"...and all they do is spew bullshit. Also, ... it's funny how there are never any "ex-apostates" giving experiences. Because if you're smart enough to become an do NOT go back.

    JWs better start thinking....

  • westiebilly11

    desperate men do and say desperate things. their vitriolic language and name calling only proves that the wt org is running scared because so called apostates are the ones with real new light....wt org best means of defence is now offense...and increasing use of offensive language....having read captives to a concept and crisis of conscience I ask myself how did I allow myself to become baptised and enmeshed with such a naked emperor .....

  • venetian

    Is anyone able to help the Danish xjw team with evidence? My understanding is that they are looking for written confirmation that the outline of the talk is definitely from brooklyn and not an overzealous brother. Do you know how they can get a copy of the outline? If you know anyone that can help in this regard they can email poul dal at [email protected]

    Thanks all

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