Sticky situations

by Sammy Jenkis 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    nugget I can relate, sometimes the guilt was a killer
    but I'm happy to hear you celebrated this year without it.

    reb: ghosts of christmas past

    lisa: good thing the student kept it on the down low

    Thanks everyone for the great comments!

  • Miss.Fit

    When I remember when I was a teen. Mom, sis and I went to the DC. My sis was a little wild and would like to egg me on. I was baptized and was teased about being a "goody, goody." I was tired of being the good girl while my sis had all the fun.

    My sis met some guys at the hotel that were going to the DC also.

    One of the guys. E S was an Elder's son. His friend BA was his "bad association "buddy. I could tell right away BA was bad news and ES was just along for the ride. Of course sis makes a b line right to BA.

    It turns out ES and BS were not staying a t our hotel. They were visiting their cousins.

    They invited us to come over to their hotel. The pool was a lot bigger. I told my sis it was a bad idea. She said we would catch a ride with his cousins , take a dip in the pool no problem.

    So we tell our mom how we met these neat JWs and they invited us to go skating. Didn't want her to know about the hotel or that it was with a couple of guys. We did tell her about the cousins being chaperones.

    So we go to the hotel and what do you know- They decide to skip swimming and go to their room to watch tv and talk.

    ES is super paranoid so we have to go up the stairs.

  • Miss.Fit

    It turns out that ES had a very strict dad. And instead of going out to dinner his mom and dad were going to eat at the hotel. I guess they knew about everyone who was staying in the hotel. He was afraid someone would see him with some girls and tell his dad. BAs brother had a room so the cousins wisked into the room. ES and BA came in after us.

    ES didn't want us to go back down until the coast was clear. I wanted to go. I asked how would anyone know we were with you? I told my sis we need to go.

    The phone rings. The cousins report ES dad is coming up. I say lets go. ES says my dad will kill me if he finds out I brought girls here. Just be really quiet and pretend no ones here.

    Okay. Here I am trappedin this room with this desperate guy afraid of getting caught. He is literally begging us to stay put until he can sneak us out. Hiis dad knocks on the door and we are really quiet. His dad yells I know you are in there open up.

    His dad leaves. I want to leave so bad. Next thing we hear is the door unlocking. We had already looked for hiding places. Bathroom? Nope- first place they would look. Closet? Nope second place they would look.

    ES actually goes to the window (we are on the 15th floor)and sees if he can open it. Or if there is a ledge. I look at him and I say no way in hell.

  • Miss.Fit

    So the door opens...........It is his friends bro. Bro is laughing and shaking his head. He says Dad has people looking all over for ES. He told people to keep an eye out. He sayz Dad thinks you are with some girls. He winks at us. I want to die.

    We cant leave people are looking for girls coming from this floor. Big Bro promises to keep ES dad from coming in-it

    s his room.

    We turn around and realize that ES has disappeared. We could't figure out where he went. All of a sudden he squeezes out from under the bed. I swear to god I didn't think it was humanly possible for anyone to fit.

    So he looked at us. I'm thinking- It beats the window ledge. We still cant leave without someone seeing us. Apparently they would know we were the girls.

    So now I am trapped in a hotel room under a bed with onmy my bathing suit on. Big bro was nice enough to stuff our other clothes under the bed with us.I cant remember what excuse ES had for not answering the door the first time. But he finally opens the door. Dad is yelling: I know you have girls in there!! Where are they? ES- No girls here dad. Jst was taking a nap.

  • Miss.Fit

    So. Sis and I are under the bed holding our breath. There was no room. Our face was right next to the bottom of the mattress. I m praying that no one sits on the bed.

    Im watching this guys shoes. Stomp stomp...shower curtain shoved open (told you so). Stomp .....stomp stomp... closet door ol ening......stomp stomp..... (holding my breath.... please dont look under the bed.......please don't look under the bed......he stops T the first bed closest to the door. I see his feet moving around the bed I see him peek under b ed 1....Im trying to think logical reasons to be under his sons bed. Maybe if im lucky I'll smoother myself on this mattress that is pressing in my face.

    I see his feet go around our bed. I hear the window curtains open.

    I hear dad say where are they? Iknow you have girls in here.

    Im looking at my sis. WTH he never looked under our bed!! He must have figured that it was impossible for anyone to fit under there.

    He stomps out.

    Sis and I think we are free and clear.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    MissFit, were you free and clear? What happened- this one's really good, you got me on the edge here...

  • Miss.Fit

    I was afraid I was boring you.

    Okay....BA brother goes down to check if the coast is clear. ES is all relieved . I just want to smack him. I am so ready to leave. Big bro comes in and looks at us with wide eyes....

    He says: The cousins said they saw this lady drive up to the hotel looking really mad. She's short and round.

    Sis and I look at each other in horror. We were so worried about ES dad we forgot about the real threat.

    That's our mom we whisper. OMG how the heck did she know where we were . No way am I going back under that bed. ES can fend for himself. The cousins say she is coming up now.They tell us they are parked on the roof parking lot. Meet them there and they will give us a ride down . But they cant leave the hotel (Cant remember why not). So sis and I race up the

    stairs to the roof parking lot. We jumped into the cousins car and ducked in the back seat. We figured even if mom was on the first floor she wouldnt see us.



  • Miss.Fit

    So the cousins drive us to the bottom of the garage. We sneak out the back. We just want plausible deniability.

    If we can beat her to our motel we c an deny...deny,.

    We just have to get there. She didn't see us at the hotel. She has no proof we were even there. We still can make this is dark now.we cant use main streets in case she drives by. So we duck behind peoples houses and cut through their yards. We are looking over our shoulders and dunking down every time we see headlights. Maybe we'll be lucky and get mugged or maybe run over. Better than facing mad mom. I don't remember how far our motel was. It seemed to take forever.

    We finally got to our motel. Okay we can do this. We are afraid to go to our room. We are sharing with snother JW sister. We don't want witnesses we want plausible deniability. We decide to go to the pool. We'll say we left late from skating and have been at the pool the whole time. We'll say we fell asleep on the lounges. ... yeah that could work.

    So we tip toe into the pool area and get ready to sink into the lounge chair with a sigh of relief.......

    Then out of the darknesss we hear: don t you girls move amuscle

  • gma-tired2

    MissFit great experience. They wonder why JW kids are leaving. Its because they cant be normal teenagers.

    I got caught kissing a non JW boy at the age of 14 by my moms busybody friend. LOoking back my mom was cool.

  • Miss.Fit

    We are desperatly trying to put on an innocent who me? Face.

    We look up to see our JW roomie glaring at us. Curses ! mom had the pool staked out!! She had spies looking for us. Okay all us not lost. Deny deny deny.

    WhenWe try the we've been skating and just got back story. Roomie didn't buy it. She marches us into the room to wait for mom.S o we decide information is powet. We need to know how much mom knows.

    We weedle the info out of roomie:

    It seems ES dad's sisters cousin had a room next to us. She also happened to know roomie. when ES dad was looking for him he called around and talked to cousin. Cousin remembers seeing us with the boys. She asks roomie..roomie asks mom .. mom says oh they went skating. Next door cousin says nobody went skating.Elder dad thinks his son had girls in his room but room mate wont let him in. Could they be your girls? So mom rushes to the hotel.

    Ok. I can work with this. See I have a super power.... I am. Goody Goody girl. I am responsible and have a trust worthy face.

    I can spin the truth with a straight face. I am the disignated talker.

    So mom gets back. I am ready. I take a deep breath and "confess".

    My story: those sneaky boys told us we were going skating but changed their minds. Instead they

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