Pioneering slips Again

by metatron 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    April 2001 - lists number of regular pioneers
    for January 90,477

    April 2002 - lists number of regular pioneers
    for January 89,007 (U.S.)

    Even with the WTC tragedy, they can't stop the slide
    downward. However, they did show a large increase in
    publishers - which proves how phoney these statistics
    can be - 15 minute publishers and anybody can write
    down an hour on a field service slip. Pioneering
    requires a bit more fakery, that may be more bothersome,
    hence, its decline.

    Another point: The April KM says "Youths, Put Full-Time
    Service First" - it encourages applying for Bethel
    service and so forth.

    Does anybody tell the idiots in the Service Dept.,
    that downsizing will be taking place?


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Meta, the main preoccupaion of those clueless, self-serving apparatchiks is whether they've done enough to qualify to spend all of their latter years in comfort and on the dole at the Patterson Shangri-La.

  • patio34

    Thanks for that, Metatron. They may inflate the number of publishers, as you pointed out, by the 15-minute ruling and also by no subscriptions, as this will give the dubs more to do in field service. Pioneering is much more effort though, to enroll and falsify. And, why bother?

    All intelligent people are confrontational.--HBO's Winston Churchill

  • Dutchie

    Not to mention all the old and infirmed who are not able to go from door to door. They can now witness by telephone for 15 minutes and count time.

  • lv4fer

    That is pretty sorry that the number of pioneers are decilining. Especially when you take ilnto consideration that they lowered the number of hours a couple of years ago. I think it's 75 or 80 down from 90 per month. OF course because they have always discouraged higher education people can't support themselves and can't remain pioneers they have to work longer hours to make ends meet.

    "The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself."

    Rita Mae Brown

  • moman

    Pioneers declining!?.....Well thats more proof we are in the LAST-DAYS of this old wicked system! You know the, BAD is GOOD & GOOD is BAD theory, unless GOOD is GOOD & BAD is BAD. The Borg will make it all fit somehow!

  • Elsewhere

    Yup! They're accelerating to the end!!![8>]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • ThiChi

    Hey, if they can get it down to five min., I just might come back!

  • one

    Who in her/his right mind will pioneer?

    Seems like dubs are getting smarter.

    Or is just reality exploding in their faces.

  • SixofNine

    To put it in a more encouraging light, that is approximately Sixteen congregations worth of pioneers who have chosen the better portion.

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