Calgary / Alberta meetup anyone? 22nd September

by Simon 72 Replies latest members meetups

  • Vidiot

    Hmm... is there a karaoke bar in Jasper?

  • gutted

    Sounds like most people interested are elderly married brothers and sisters?

    Single young brother here and I'd be down for a wing night and beers. I can understand an out of city thing if not enough interest right in the city.

  • Angharad

    Who are you calling elderly

    Wings are beer are a favourite of ours too !

    Just an idea to combine with a weekend trip to mountains, that way people are not diving for 5 hours to go to one meal together, they can make a little trip out of it

  • Simon

    We could also still do something in Calgary as well ... I think having beer and wings twice in the same year is allowed.

    I'm not adamant about it being wings ...

  • Vidiot


  • tec

    Oooh... a jasper or banff weekend getaway would be cool (even in the winter, and no pun intended, lol)... like the more american camping flipper fest ; )... but for Canadians (though anyone can come) I bet we could get a group discount too!

    But that is in addition to a get-together for dinner or beer/wings/whatever. Edmonton, or Red Deer work for me, or Calgary, I don't care. I am in Edmonton.



  • HarryMac

    Sounds cool!

    We're right in Calgary but could easily be talked into Banff or something. I read an article by an american journalist recently who had some crappy weather on Banff trip... 'but everybody was happy... everybody was happy to be in Banff!'. So by that logic... if you hate me you could still enjoy the rest of your day!

    Sometime before mid-september for us... we go to the UK for months at a time lately... that seems to be the next date we'll be leaving.

    I just figured out last week that you're from Manchester, Simon. It'd be interesting to talk to you about stuff. We love the UK and would love to live in the north of England full time (we're there half the time last few years)... some people there are like... 'uh... why?'. It'd be cool to compare notes.

    But yeah, I'm interested.

    PM when you know more.

  • Simon
    I just figured out last week that you're from Manchester, Simon. It'd be interesting to talk to you about stuff.

    Sure, anytime

    Here's my suggestion:

    We have a meetup in Calgary, maybe in a few weeks time. Anyone is free to come from futher afield if they want but we'll plan on having another one maybe more centrally or somewhere that people can combine with a family or sightseeing trip.

    How does that sound?

  • HarryMac

    Sounds perfect to me.

  • Vidiot

    My FIL has suggested a camping trip.

    I'll suggest Jasper.

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