Tech49 on DC: Experiences are not truthful

by Tech49 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    I remember always feeling so pumped after some experiences and it's scary to look back and to think how many of those were fabricated stories?

    Makes me think a lot about this:


  • WTWizard

    These experiences are bogus. Most are embellished, and encourage people to dump wealth and become poor.

    Truthful or not, they are damaging. People believe them and sell out, hoping for blessings. Instead, they become destitute and suffer needlessly. While they are pious-sneering, they expect everyone else to pay their way. Then they become programmed to believe being poor is normal, and having a decent standard of living is "bad". Give them money, or if they unexpectedly find some, they throw it away on the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. They program their souls to attract poverty and repel wealth, and they become destitute in the next life as well--usually not knowing why.

    Health, too. You go to these a$$emblies with people that are sick (and sick is more than a cold--sick means serious heart disease, cancer bad enough to be in the hospital, arthritis bad enough to be in wheelchairs, and so on). While they moan about their sickness, they are thankful to joke-hova that they are at the a$$embly. Which makes their illness a virtue--they were there despite their sickness, counting for more. It is this that can program souls to think sickness is a virtue--and not just those with the illness. Then, in the next life, they become the children with severe asthma, type 1 diabetes, migraines, severe and frequent colds bad enough to go to the doctors, and various other health issues. Because they programmed their souls to believe it is a virtue.

    Rather, what about having experiences where someone who is blatantly rich became so as a result of serving joke-hova? What about glorifying abundance, health, and fun? Of course, joke-hova wants you sick, broke, and dumb.

  • jgnat

    The experiences that make my blood boil are the youth who turn town scholarships, and parents who shunned their disabled son. Polite applause.

  • jgnat

    Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I heard Bethany Hugh's mother speak at a convention. In this case, the WTS undersold the story. After all, the girl died. The mother read a snippet of a poem the girl wrote before she died. That's it. That's all the memorial the girl got. The newspapers reported more.

  • scotoma

    I remember a Circuit Overseer we had in the 1960's. I think the name was Wengert. My parents had them over for a meal. My sister asked how they met. It turned out she was a JW and he was in the military. She married him even though he wasn't a JW. Later he became a JW. They pioneered and ended up in the Circuit Work.

    I love it when people do the wrong things and it turns out positive.

  • GromitSK

    What's positive about being a JW pioneer ? Sounds like 2 people wasting their lives instead of just one.


    " But apparently, because the part was about successful experiences INVITING people to the memorial, from that point of view, I had a successful experience. "

    LOL!!! Just like the successful ministry, aka, showing up and burning fossil fuels and leaving invitations in the doors of people who have no idea what JW's believe!! Still a "witness" is given, one that is a basis for judging who gets life and who does not! I could say that I have had years of success inviting my wife to the bedroom, but hey part of being successful is just showing up!!! You can't make this crap up....

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I gave a 30 second experience which was 80% true. The 20% untrue was not me lying or embellishing, it was me omiting the fact that made the experience so poignant and happen in the first place, the fact that the congregation was cold and unwelcoming. My experience was about resisting the tempation to become friends with worldlings after I moved upcountry to a town in which I knew nobody, and the worldlings at work welcomed me with open arms...the part I omitted was the congregation ignored me because they thought I was a tool of Satan because I came with no connections in 'the truth' and a university degree and university degree-requiring job...

    True story. I remember this couple in a cong I was in who pioneered through 4 kids and he was an elder and ex bethelite: stars of the circuit you could say. They spoke on the odd assembly and DC, and oh, look how Jehovah blessed them so they could afford to keep pioneering with all those kids! Anyway, some years later they moved interstate and I met some former business associates when I moved to another congregation. Turns out Elder-Pioneer-Ex Bethel was a con-artist and a rip-off merchant! He stole tens of thousands of dollars from JW business associates and got involved in some dodgy deals in the next congregation, and that's when he shot through to Victoria. Too many people in Qld knew what he was like...And there he was giving experiences about how Jehovah provided for the family's pioneering with 4 kids!

    The Jws he ripped off were in that audience, quietly seething.

  • Tech49
    Bumping this thread, because it is so similar to the other one recently started on the same subject. With the Convention season upon us, look for all those contritely made-up super encouraging experiences and tales of Gehovahs direction!
  • baker
    So many stories are blatantly made up in each Watchtower, made to fit each paragraph . Example, Chantell in France relates..., Paul in Australia says..., with each study you will find at least 4 stories with only the first name quoted because they know they are making it all up. But this has been going on in Christendom a long time, just look at all the Televangelist that will heal you for a donation.

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