I have to take my daughter to the meeting...

by iCeltic 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • whathappened

    The daughter is probably being pressure d from the folks back home to attend the meetings while away. If she misses, she will have to face their scrutiny when she returns. You know there is absolutely no excuse for missing a meeting as long as there is still warmth in the body. My uncle was in a coma and his family hooked him up with headphones connected to the meeting up until the day he died. I am sure the congregation counted him as in attendance.

  • Mum

    Dropping her off seems like the best solution. However, I didn't think about the possibility of sexual assault (yes, remote, but not impossible). Make sure she goes to the bathroom before going to the meeting so she won't be caught alone in the KH restroom. Also dress her in such a way that she cannot be easily undressed.

    Does she know anyone trustworthy at that KH? If so, she should sit with them. Put a little snack in her bag so she has the option of munching something during the boring 2 hours. Tell her she is to give you a full report of everything that happened during the meeting. Pick her up immediately after the meeting is over.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "My daughter is visiting me from the UK and wants me to take her to the meeting"

    Rather than focus on the distress of taking her to a meeting, rejoice with the fact that she's visiting you all the way from the UK!

    Plan lots of fun things to do. Drop her off at and pick her up from her meeting as if it were no big deal to you.

    Are either/both of you known to this congregation?

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