Bethel Layoffs: Know anyone (especially long-timers) who were laid off?

by Black Man 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    In my estimation, it wasn't just about reducing numbers. That was certainly part of it. But bethel has continued to bring in new members during and after the layoffs.

    GB 2.0 is a group of newbies at bethel. I saw most of them come in when they started in the Service Department at Patterson. To give their self-esteem an extra boost, they needed to reduce the ranks of waiters, housekeepers, etc. that had more seniority and bethel history than them, as well the many that knew and respected GB 1.0 compared to these new boys.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    An elder in my last congregation has a son who was deployed from Sydney bethel to a country town in northern NSW and apparently he got a job. This was over a year ago so I don't know what's become of him and his wife.

  • fizzywiglet

    Yeah; I knew one (my sister had always had a major thing for him). I want to say he was there for 5 or 6 years before he got tossed in the layoffs. He moved back in with his parents, I believe. Last I heard of him a few years back, he was courting a JW girl so he's probably married by now. I was on my way out, though, so I wasn't paying much attention. Ran into him and a group of JWs once at a swing dancing venue I frequented. Made him uncomfortable by asking him to dance (as you do in ballrooms). He obliged, but was very short and curt and ran away afterwards. I imagine he'd probably heard things about me; my mom and sister were spreading stories about me being a degenerate, and my sister crushed on him hard...I heard through the grapevine she was really milking the "my sister is an evil apostate, woe is me" story for sympathy, so I suspect she used it on him in the hopes of impressing him with her spirituality.

    Dunno, I remember him being a sweet kid with a slightly more wicked sense of humor than a lot of JWs. I felt bad for him, throwing away all of that time on Bethel for no pay and then being tossed aside with nothing to put on his CV for it.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    Razzel Brown and Randall Hitcock

  • sir82

    In our congregation there is a couple who were part of the massive layoffs (2000+) about 4 or 5 years ago. They still have lots of contacts there.

    They report that there is another round of "big" layoffs in progress now. Longtime Bethelites, and even older COs and DOs, are being "reassigned" out of "special full time service" and are being replaced by younger (read: less likely to develop expensive health problems that the self-insured WTS would have to pay for) persons.

  • Adventurousone

    Hello Blackman:

    It doesn't surprise me one bit that they'll let them go at a drop of the hat. They eat them up then spit them out when their done using them. What a sad thing to do for people who don't get a pay check just money for their necessities. Big deal a few dollars for all the work they do, and not only that but all the money the WTBTS takes in and they can't give back to them, IT STINKS BIG TIME.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    We know a brother that went to Bethel right out of HS and was set home at 56 years old. He never married and never had any great skills. He was a Bethel elder and he spoke a second language. He is special pioneering and working part time but I heard he lost that job. His parents are still alive so I am sure they help some and he has a sibling that may help too. I remember when I heard about it I thought it was just a bunch of BS and now we all k ow it was a lay off not that they needed them working in the field!! I would be so angry if I gave them that much of my life and them they got rid of me all the while they are still bringing young boys on to work!

  • Black Man
    Black Man


  • sosoconfused

    I was in a hall with Razzel Brown. He was genuinely a good guy. His wife was sweet as well.

    If anyone has more info on him let me know

  • Crazyguy

    I know of a bethelite that personally knew all the ones pictured in that 1984 WT that said 'this generation will not pass away', they all did and he left calling it for what it is 'a cult'

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