Their name will be their downfall.....

by snare&racket 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    The bible is written in classical Hebrew (there are many other types and older types)

    YHWH is a classical Hebrew sentence that roughly means 'he wills it, and it happens'. The Hebrew language has such mechanisms for saying things in a shortened form, much like today CPR, RSVP, VIP etc....

    Adonai is also Classical Hebrew, but its a word.... It means 'LORD' and 'MASTER'.

    The bible only uses these two terms when referring to god in the HEBREW scriptures. Later texts had adonai replace YHWH as jews felt the YHWH sentence was to be saved for initimate prayer etc. When I say replace, they were written below the word, to be read instead of it, unless you were praying to god.

    700 years after Jesus a Christian monk decided this was a code. He decided that these two terms could be the name for god if he mixed them together. He mixed together the sentence YHWH with the missing vowels from Adonai, which made YaHoWaH. This got very popular, christians knew gods name and nobody else did. When it spread it got latinised to JaHoVaH. Now in bibles, YHWH was replaced with Jahovah, with LORD written beath it.


    Bible scholars the world over, all knowing the name Jehovah, singing his name in hymns etc ... eventually came across the ancient manuscripts, in caves, in pottery under the ground, in religious structures.... And they realised the story behind the name. They saw it for the folly that it was and replaced every embarassing reminder of how uninspired their bible must be i.e. the very wrong word Jahovah and replaced it with....LORD.

    OK..... Now come along the Bible students..... Looking to be a bit different. They read the small print in their King James Bible....what's this? GODS NAME IS JEHOVAH...... The scholars all shouted .."no wait you don't...." But it was too late, they named themselves after it.

    Then in the 70's the JW's under the cover of darkness slip a sentence into their Greek interlinear bible... in the middle of the opening pages they openly state that nobody knows the true pronunciation of YHWH (true because there were no vowels but this is a different issue to the use of the word Jehovah) but that they decided on the use of the word Jehovah because ........ It was popularly known.

    that my friend is what the name Jehovah means...... Nothing.

    The society went one more evil step further... What language is YHWH and Adonai? Hebrew.... They were never mixed together in ancient Hebrew, it was an idea of a monastery nearly 2000years after it was written in approx 700ad. Yet in the Watchtowers GREEK scriptures, everytime the name lord appeared they swapped it with..... JEHOVAH despite there being not one YHWH (Hebrew) in the entire Greek text, including in their very own Greek interlinear!


    "Legitimate scholars in the Biblical languages and manuscripts don’t think much of the NWT. Dr. Bruce Metzger is a well-known scholar whose works are seminary standards. He used the following adjectives when describing the NWT: “a frightful mistranslation,” “erroneous,” “pernicious,” and “reprehensible.”[3] British Bible scholar H.H. Rowley stated that the NWT is “a shining example of how the Bible should not be translated.”[4] He also referred to the NWT as “an insult to the Word of God.”[5] While this list could go on, let me conclude with the words of Dr. William Barclay who stated, “It is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest.”[6] "

    3. Bruce Metzger; cited in Ron Rhodes, Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah’s Witnesses (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1993), p. 97.

    4. H.H. Rowley, “How Not to Translate the Bible,” The Expository Times, No. 1953, pp.41-42.

    5, Ibid

    6. William Barclay; cited in Rhodes, p. 97.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Very well done! I also, when I received my KIT read the forward and read that the WTBT$ chose to use Jehovah, because it was popular.

    I would expect nothing less from such an anti-christ known as WTBT$.

    Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)

  • snare&racket

    I'm an atheist, but I believe in hawks, so maybe we are still brothers of the Hawk.... Either way... Cheers :)

  • heathen

    according to the WTBTS the name means . he that causes to be. I'm inclined to side with them on the name , names such as elijah or jesus even were derived from it.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi Snare, This is excellent to know. Thank you.

    If the Governing Body does bring out a new NWT at this next Annual meeting in Oct. 2013, it will be interesting, of course to see what changes they make, and what they will do with this name Jehovah. I wonder if holy spirit will tell them to take out more "Lord's" and sneek in more Jehovah's. lol

    "An insult to the word of God" and "intellectually dishonest" and basically Jehovah means...nothing. And that sums up NWT. Wow.

    Just Lois

  • snare&racket

    Why don't you go and find out for yourself Heathen?

    Do you think they have access to special knowledge? Special books? Don't be so lazy, why would you let other people do your thinking!

    or don't..... Carry on believing the Hebrew translation of an ancient word on the opinion of 8 ex window cleaners that think school is dumb....

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    There is also another Hebrew term for God in the Bible: " Elohim"

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Very cool. Great info, thanks, what's your main source? I recognize the Wikipedia bit at the bottom but the things at the top? I want to draw people's attention to this YHWH matter.

  • heathen

    I know alot of trinitarians refuse to accept that jesus was not the GOD of the old testament and they still use the tearm hallalujah which clearly jah is short for jehovah . Don't trust trinitarians myself to accurately translate things as I feel they were the ones that messed it all up to begin with . The RCC was the main culprit .

  • villagegirl

    Heathen- How about the Jews ? Do you trust the Jews?

    Jesus was a Jew, all his disciples were Jews.

    Jesus read from the Hebrew scriptures in a Jewish Synagogue

    He attended Temple at the place the Dome of the Rock now is.

    So as a Jew he knew the seven names for God which are:

    (1) Eloah (God) or Elohim (Gods)
    (2) Adonai (Lord)
    (3) Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh (I am that I am)
    (4) YHWH (I am that I am)
    (5) El Shaddai (God Almighty)
    (6) HaShem (The Name)
    (7) YHWH Tzevaot (Lord of Hosts: Sabaoth in Latin transliteration)

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