How many people have you helped/facilitated to leave JWs?

by Julia Orwell 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette


    Or do you mean, How many people have you helped/facilitated after leaving JWs?

    In that case, probably many, just as many here on JWN have helped me.

    It takes a village to raise an ex-JW!

  • Vidiot

    NewChapter once told me that some of my older posts about the problems of reconciling Fred Franz' eschatology with contemporary geopolitics helped solidify her exit.

  • Adventurousone

    Hi Julia:

    I'm working on 2 JWS in my old cong. We'll see what happens because I know I've planted some seeds of doubt.

  • ?evrything
  • Farkel

    Honestly, I can't count them all. Perhaps hundreds but at least many dozens. As Simon said, everyone who participates on boards is part of the process.

    In debates, my "specialty" (which I've often been vilified for doing) is, basically, to bash them over the head (verbally) with a baseball bat and evidence to get them thinking again. Too many people to count have told me that is exactly what they needed, but of course, there are many different kinds of people and many different kinds of JW entrenchment in those people.

    In my thread topics I employ lots of irony, parody and sarcasm in order to have dubs see the foolishness and absurdity, not only of their religion, but the absurdity of most of the Bible.

    One thing that I didn't see mentioned in this thread is a sort of "trick down" effect. There was a poster who went by "Pioneer For Life" and he was just that, or so he thought. He did his best to stand up against the evidence and slowly realized he could not. He resigned his positions and left the religion. Several years later he called me and told me he had helped get out over 20 members of his family and friends.

    So remember, if you can help just one dub get free and that dub can do the same and so on, it makes a huge difference in the quality of the rest of those people's lives.


  • Kojack57

    Well I helped a disfellowshiped friend who was trying to get back in. He needed to know the outright deceit and utter lies the WTB&TS was hiding from the rank and file members.

    Very glad to say that now he knows TTATT and he has seen the light. Screw you Watchtower that's another one you won't be fleasing again.

  • ABibleStudent


    I tried to help a former friend and a disfellowshipped JW to critically think for themselves by planting seeds of doubts. Nothing has grown yet.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Let us never give up!

    I told a dfd friend TTATT and she hasn't spoken to me since...funny, I thought she'd have been right on board! But, who knows what the future will bring. Educating people is the key.

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