How many people have you helped/facilitated to leave JWs?

by Julia Orwell 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iamallcool

    zero, maybe I will get one out.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    I regret to have to say that my success rate here is as bad as my success rate was at "bringing others into The Truth" i.e. a big fat zero!

    However, I may have succeeded in frightening some off from getting involved with the JWs.


  • Phizzy

    An average JDub doing average hours will take 50 years to make one convert.

    I would suggest the Apostate community has a better record at deconverting than the WT has at gaining more drones.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Helping frighten prospective converts off is a noble cause.

  • cognac

    One person I helped but she was pretty much out mentally anyways.

    Other then that, I believe I have helped my husband, dad, mom, brothers and sisters and their husbands and wives open up their thinking at least somewhat.

    And, I stopped the cycle with my own children... Does prevention count???

  • inbetween

    atm i have one "study" - my wife.

    Hope she will one day be on her way to "babtizm", but only after she dedicated herself to complete independent reasoning and decsion making based on facts, not on what 8 guys in Brooklyn tell her to do. She makes progress though, I have to intense my return visits on her ;-)

    all others I can contact are B-NH (brain not at home)

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    Some weeks ago, I helped a friend of mine not feel pressured in going back to the cult after years of inactivity and pressure from the elders/parents.

    Wish I could awaken my parents...especially my dad. I may start working on my dad, he's more of a free-thinker than my extremist mother...hope it works.

    Kool Jo

  • donny

    Four as far as I know. My two daughters and a daughter and son-in law of a friend. I have also helped about 5 folks from ever becoming entagled with the Society at all. I did that by feeding them questions to ask the ones they were studying with. One of them told me that as soon as he told his study conductor that he was talking to an ex-Witness, the man never showed up again for another session. He said "The dude never called or left a note telling me that he was no longer going to conduct a stufy with me. He just stopped showing up on Friday evenings."

  • punkofnice

    A handfull of people have said I have helped but the way I see it.........they helped themselves really.

  • Emery

    I helped my mom, dad, sibblings, sister's husband, wife, wife's sister, and 6 other friends. A total of 15 so far. I am currently working on an old roomate of mine, we've gotten pretty far and he admitted that he doesn't really believe in anything anymore. I take different approaches with different people. Whether it be theological, the problem of suffering, problems in the congregation, JW history, etc. The number 1 thing that continues to help me are the clusterfucks by the elders. The hypocrisy and double standards found in congregations alone help do most of the footwork.

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