The Watchtower is Over....Jehovah is Ovah!!!!((Please Read))

by Joliette 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joliette

    No more assemblies or conventions...

    No more Service meetings, Book studies, Bible Studies....

    No more Bethelites, Gilead graduates, no more missionary work.

    No more watchtower studies, Field Service, Pioneers, Elders, ministerial servants.

    No more 'serving where the need is great.'

    Its over, its over.

    The watchtower has decided to end it all, suspend the organization work. No more money. They are out of touch with the polictially correct world.

    What would Jehovahs Witnesses do if there world suddenly...came to an end?

  • Splash

    80% would rejoice!!

    25% would go and jump off a bridge somewhere.

    (I got my edumacation from Awake!)

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “What would Jehovahs Witnesses do if there world suddently...came to an end?”

    It would lead to untold personal tragedies.

    We could expect to see an uptick in domestic violence, marriage dissolutions, psychiatric disorders, suicide and more.

    Others would probably be happy as a lark.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Joliette

    Sadly I think there would be some people 'offing' themselves. I dont even want to think about that.

  • Joliette

    Do you guys still think they would go on calling eachother Jehovahs Witnesses in secret? Legally can they do that?

  • losingit

    I do not think 80% would rejoice. Imagine an entire culture/ society dying-- that is what Jehovah's witnesses are. There us an identity that bunds them together that they believe makes them special. Yes, the mindset is sick. But they stand on sand, they will all be washed away if your vision were to take place. It would be tragic for most. They would be just like everyone else in this world.

  • Shador

    For the dubs? it would be a complete disaster.

    For the rest of humanity? Let me ask you - if a measly 0.001 of the world's population disappeared tomorrow, would anybody care?

  • sd-7

    I have a feeling some folks would just carry it on independently, start the whole thing over. The leadership may enforce the beliefs, but the system has the potential to be self-sustaining if enough people believe in it.

    But based on how I felt as my eyes were opened...yeah, there could be a LOT of suicides. Sad to even ponder, but it's there.


  • Vidiot
    sd-7 - "...there could be a LOT of suicides..."

    Can't shake the feeling that at least some of the dethroned GB would be among those statistics.

  • jam

    If the Watchtower decided to end it all.

    CO and DO will start their own sects. Their may be sisters

    that start their own group. In my area brothers involved in

    some type of multi-level scam, hell this would be a great

    opportunity to scam the RF. The void would be filled by some

    unscrupulous egotistical JW Elder, LOL.

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