New Trend in Dramas?

by breakfast of champions 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    So it used to be that all dramas were OT. Period, that was it.

    Then they started incorporating a "modern day" application of the OT drama where actors in the present day reflected on the story.

    Then they started using some highly fictionalized NT characters in dramas (never Jesus of course)

    In the past few years we've been getting more "modern dramas", just about people in the present dealing with their "problems"

    This years DC is different: I think for the first time ever, both stage dramas are set in the future (albeit a WT spin on the future). It is an entirely imagined world, not one that supposedly existed in the past or present, but one they want you to believe will exist in the future.

    I saw it as a remarkable propaganda technique: portraying future events to be just as "real" as ones that (supposedly) occurred in the past. I guess after over 100 years of waiting and hoping and promises "right around the corner", the idea behind these dramas is to reify a fading hope that any of these events they claim will happen will actually materialize.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    oh boy... and i'm probably going to have to see them. i'll make sure to stash a few boxes of beer close to the assembly hall.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    remember that drama about christians leaving jerusalem and leaving stuff behind and some of them returning? in the discussion afterwards i stated that we don't know anything about what exactly happened back then. and one of the young big mouths told me that oh yes we do, we got josephus etc. to which i responded that josephus does cover the timeframe but not a bit of the chrisitan perspective or if any christians left the city at all. the looks i got reminded me that i better stop taking part in this kind of conversations - and not go to any more assemblies... but what the hell, that's the only chance i get to see some of my family.

  • Gayle

    Interesting,,guess they have to get "futuristic" as their "present" day dramas are all depressing. They have no way to embrace any joy in their "present." They are emotionally suffocating.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well it's all part of "The WT says this is the future so it must be so" talk.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Let's have some real "drama" in a "drama" about the future.

    It opens with us seeing Sister Loving, who died in the arms of her dear husband, Brother Loving, who promised he would stay faithful to Jehovah so they could be reunited in the New World. But Sister Loving awakes in the resurrection to find Brother Loving arm in arm with Sister Dress-Slutty, the young single flirtatious bitch all the nice sisters hated in the Congregation. And look there! they have a new little son, Jr Loving. Junior is 10 years old. Oh my, Sister loving comes to realize that she has been dead less than 11 years. Brother Loving must not have waited long to spread his loving around.

    Real life drama in Paradise. This could be fun entertainment.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    DOC: Now THAT would be a drama worth showing up for!

  • Oubliette

    BOC: This years DC is different: I think for the first time ever, both stage dramas are set in the future

    Could you please be more specific for the benefit of those of us that have not seen the dramas?

  • This_suit_doesnt_fit

    Yes, could give some detail. Im curious how they imagine the future.

    But not so much detail that we feel we were there, no one wants that.

  • blondie

    In the late 60’s there was a future drama at the circuit assembly…we were in the new system…a young man and woman were featured, resurrected having died just ten years before Armageddon. They had been married but now were just friends. They found the new system wonderful at first. And then they started complaining about how much control was over their lives, too many rules, started missing meetings, and were complaining one day on the road and lightning flashed and they both dropped dead….of course that was pre-1975.

    Skip forward I remember one at the DC when teenagers had stolen from the contribution box.

    What disturbed me most was how the WTS added people to the Bible and events that never happened, all fiction as if God didn’t put enough detail in and they were authorized to add. I remember pointing that out to some jws and they were positive it was in the bible until I showed them it was not, then they were irritated with me.

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