Overlapping Generations: A wacky kool-aid thread

by RayPublisher 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • irondork

    Sammy: ...gay marriage laws are passed around the world, gay men are paying surrogates to have babies for them

    You BETCHA!

  • wizzstick

    What is all this disgraceful apostate talk from JWTalk and JWN?

    Overlapping generations?

    Why that is not what I read this afternoon - it's this generation that was alive when “the sign” of “the last days” began its fulfillment...

    Click on the fine up todate spiritual food from the Faithful and Discrete Slave...food at the proper time brothers:


    Scroll all the way down to: When will the end of this wicked world come?

    And let there be an end to this shameful nonsense. Overlapping generations indeed!

    What is all this disgraceful apostate talk from JWTalk and JWN?
    Overlapping generations?
    Why that is not what I read this afternoon - it's this generation that was alive when “the sign” of “the last days” began its fulfillment...
    Scroll all the way down to: When will the end of this wicked world come?
    And let there be an end to this shameful nonsense. Overlapping generations indeed!....Wizzstick

    Typical JW..

    Don`t know what your supposed to believe..

    Go back to your web site heres your link..

    Holy Spirit’s Role in the Outworking of Jehovah’s Purpose

    Click on the fine up todate spiritual food from the Faithful and Discrete Slave...food at the proper time brothers:.....Wizzstick

    Today your eating WBT$ Overlap Crap..

    ............................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Vanderhoven7


  • QueenWitch

    I don't care how you slice it, a generation is about 20-30 yrs by today's standards. this overlapping generation simply does not make sense.

  • *lost*

    wizzstick - are you for real, or being sarcastic ?

    Warwickshire (did I spell it right)

    Was one of the few 'red lights' for me, other than the little things.

    Why on earth would they be spending, how many millions ? when so close to the end ?

    Them millions could be spent helping people in need, there was another centre of theirs, I forget where, recent though, 10 million ?

    Disgusting. Surely jw's are starting to 'see it all'.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Heeeyyyyyyy. . . . I do believe WIZZSTICK was just being sarcastic. . . . Give him some room to breathe.

    I know personally my sarcasm runs soooooo deep it almost seems from the heart

    Heeeyyyyyyy. . . . I do believe WIZZSTICK was just being sarcastic.....BOC

    Sometimes it`s fun to play along..

    Wizz puts up a WBT$ Link..I put up one that contradicts it..

    They both come from the WBT$..

    ......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • LisaRose

    My mother was one of the more gullible dubs. She told me once " Well, brother Windowwasher says that the end will come very soon, and he should know, he's an elder! I was stunned, this was a reasonably intelligent woman, who lived through the 1975 debacle, and she thought some Podunk elder had some special knowledge of the date for Armageddon. It shows how sadly lacking the dubs are when it comes to critical thinking skills, they believe what they want.

  • wizzstick

    Heeeyyyyyyy. . . . I do believe WIZZSTICK was just being sarcastic. . . . Give him some room to breathe.

    I know personally my sarcasm runs soooooo deep it almost seems from the heart

    You are indeed right breakfast of champions.

    It struck me as funny that the 'old light' is still online on the WT Online library, in Reasoning from the Scriptures. That book is online to help JWs 'reason' with people but contains an out of date explanation. So, for example, a kid at school using his WOL could easily preach old light in explaining it.

    Food at the proper time indeed!

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