Final Warning Given Unto Mankind, Tribulation Is Near and Soon Cometh.

by OneTrueGod 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • GromitSK

    All I said was this fish is good enough for Jehovah.

  • Heaven

    Ah Heaven, but a dayeth witheth the Lordeth is as a thousand years-eth. So it's only the day before yesterday really.

    LOL @ Gromit! Um, don't take this the wrong way or anything but there are speech therapy courses for lisping.

  • GromitSK

    Lol.Yeth :)

  • cantleave

    Forsooth and verily bullshitith

  • Heaven

    Behold the time of tribulation draweth near and is soon at hand;

    So we've been told this crap ad nauseum most if not all of our lives here on this board.

    I suggest you travel to the Amazon Rainforest and let these people know, 'cause I'm sure they haven't heard this life saving message.

    Edited to add: I'm also pretty sure they don't have the internet or any devices that can connect to the Web:

    Remote Amazon Tribe

  • stillin

    OK. Thanks for the heads-up!

    i had other plans but I'm flexible

  • still thinking
  • punkofnice

    OTG - I take it this is a joke. Very funny.

    If not you are being delusional and need professional medical help.

    If this type of rubbish makes you feel special and the holder of special divine knowledge then join the queue.

    Just be aware we are mainly survivors of a nutty cult that spouted crap like this.

    You are not a better person than us you are just the same.....a nobody. Get used to it.

    .........what's the betting this troll won't be back?!?!?

  • Sapphy

    "The figtree soon shaketh" its booty?

    Why doth thou needeth to speaketh liketh thou hast swallowed a Kings James Bible?

    Just FYIeth, the King James Bible was written in the vernacular. As was the original Bible. SO any message from God or prophets today would be written in the language of the people. You get me bro?

    Sackcloth, babylon, behold and hearken? Oh FFS.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Why come onto an ex Jw board and write stuff like that? We so couldn't care less.

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