Why doen't God perform miracles today?

by sleepy 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    : Why doen't God perform miracles today?

    If you're referring to the truly spectacular miracles, like parting and entire sea, or raising people from the dead or making food fall from heaven, then the answer should be obvious:

    He doesn't perform miracles today for the same reason he didn't perfom such miracles in the past.


  • Hyghlandyr

    Apostate Man...

    I do not disavow your experience. If you saw my post earlier I will gladly accept that 'miracles' happen. You define them as something God has done. I merely define them as something outside of the general experience and knoweldge of men. Thus computers, are amazing, are not specifically miracles, at least in our age. 5000 years ago they would have qualified. If magick existed, commonplace, then it would not be surprising to see a man casting spells. It might still be amazing. Yes I am mixing comments to a couple people in here.

    However I also do not disavow those of the Irish, Danes, Native Americans, Hindus, yes even of the French. The source for these miracles may or may not be a god. They may not even have happened. Frankly most of them are simply allegorical.

    Which brings me to Abaddon's posts. Bingo dude. I find myself in arguements with even atheists about the historical record of Yeshua ben Yosef. It is non-existent. To which a christian usually replies that we have 20 some odd books of the new testament. Well then The Quran and Bagvad Gita, by virtue of their existence prove their claims? Of course not. The point isnt that these things prove what they claim, but that we, ones like you and I, state that most of their claims are unverified.

    When we state that the history for Jesus is simply not there, they then use records that prove Pontius Pilate exist. I guess they didn't hear me, as I am not disputing the existence of any specific king, or magistrate mentioned in the new testament. I am not disputing that rome conquered and ruled Palestine. I am not disputing that Herod was an Edomite. I am not even disputing that Jesus could, a very slim could, have existed. I am stating plainly that the verification of him from outside, disinterested parties, is not there.

    Now you bring up a good point. Buddha. Zoraster. Lets go to some others, Mithra, Cu Chulain, Lugh, Queztacoatl, Horus, Dionysius, Apollo, are some that come immediatly to mind. The mythos (sacred story) of the Christos goes back thousands of years. There is not a single even in the gospels that is not preexistent in the mythos long before Yeshua ben Yosef is purported to have walked the ground. Even the beatitudes are preexistent.

    This and other reasons are why I personally conclude there was no Jesus, no Buddha, no Horus, no Mithra, and so on. They are allegories of an astrotheological religion with earth based interests. The cycles of the sun, moon, stars, and how these helped predict the cycles of life, planting, harvesting, are all any of these fellas are.

    It is nice to see some others that believe, at least, that the record for Jesus is paltry. I am always confronted by people who say there are DOZENS or HUNDREDS of accounts of him in the roman annals. But these are never provided of course. At least honest christian scholars admit straightaway that they do not exist.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    What you guys have said DOES MAKE SENSE.

    I would agree that the human mind is a wonderful healing device and we only use about 10% of it. Science can and does prove a lot of things.

    Maybe my experiences were totally explainable and not "Godly" miracles at all. BUT, I know one thing for sure, if anyone here felt what I felt during those two experiences, and many more, you would believe in miracles as well.

  • Xander

    the human mind is a wonderful healing device and we only use about 10% of it.

    *bzzzzt* Sorry, urban legend. We use 100%.

    And I'm not saying the 'mind' per se, but the spirit of the person - their personality/emotional state (which is controlled by the brain, obviously, but I want to differentiate this). The human body is capable of healing some remarkably extensive wounds, IF the mind is willing to go on fighting.

    If you 'give up', no matter how capable your body is, it won't fix the problems it is physically capable of repairing.

    And I would argue that feeling something is very, very different from experiencing a miracle.

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

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