Candace Conti v Watchtower Society | June 3, 2013 | Respondent's Brief - prepared by Rick Simons | A136641

by jwleaks 212 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I ment to say aka Alice in Wonderland aka a few other names aka Rachael? If so you're all in for a wild ride

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Better watch out mindblown, he knows post guideline 10, and he ain't afraid to use it ;)

  • mind blown
    mind blown


    "SHE" needs to watch out for guiedline #101! Being pain in the A** just for the heck of it....she also loves and NEEDS the attention...

  • jgnat

    More attention that the Kingdom hall can offer, obviously. Think the love-bombing might be over?

  • Prime

    "mind blown," You keep a mental record of monikers and associated personal problems? You must have little contact with three dimensional people. Why don't you start a new thread with your personal problems and not derail this one?

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    OK hypocrite. If you really believed the WTS and their rights/law you'd still be about screwed up

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    (to be fair, mindblown, you are kind of wasting space, can we just focus on the discussion here?) So.. Prime seems to have nothing more to say in reply, other than a childish personal attack on mindblown.. Btw Prime, posting guideline 10 applies to you as well, so if your next post could be related to the topic and the points that have been raised.. That'd be great.

  • soft+gentle

    The law, even civil law, is different here in the UK in that it is not possible to make a case the way Mr Simmons has done for the simple fact that over here it is recognised that religions relate to their own rules and to their own hierarchy differently than a person does to secular laws and to the state. Mr Simmons closed this gap in his argumentation. So it will be very interesting to see what the appellate court decides after it has heard arguments from all three sides. This may be a lesson for Britain.

    I have a lot of respect for Mr Simmons and the arguments he makes are very strong. The wonderful thing is that he puts all that we have been protesting about into a a legal framework but keeps it simple enough to make it understandable to a lay person.

    Personally I would like to see that the pressure to go out in the door to door work be removed entirely from children. Imo there is no scriptural support for sending children out in the door to door work. Like Candace Conti my own children want to be the best witness for Jehovah ever. Instead of letting this desire find outlet in praising Jehovah in the congregation through song, through appreciation for nature creation, though energetic play, through festivals etc Jehovahs witnesses only define two public outlets for children - attending meetings and the door to door work. Children are told to be on the look out for and to use every opportunity to engage in the ministry - enter pedophiles like Johnathon Kendrick. According to Mr Simmons 25% of girls and 10% of boys are molested generally (hope I've got my figures right) - so that means that at any given time 35% of JW children can be expected to be or to have been molested and yet WT still insist that children participate alongside adults in the door to door work. This has to change.

  • soft+gentle

    there are so many things that Jehovahs witnesses have institutionalised - here is an other one - institutionalised deceit. Kudos to Mr Simmons for painstakingly bringing their deceitful practices into the open to show where secluar law has something important to say to them on safeguarding children from child abusers for the benefit of individuals and of society.

  • jgnat

    Correction on the math, it is more like an estimate of 17% of Witness children molested, or forty-two thousand.

    US Figures
    Publishers 1,200,000
    Total242,400 42,056

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