why i left the witnesses..

by new hope and happiness 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I have recently been thinking about this as it was a big life changing decision. Only now do i realize it wasnt about doctrine.

    The reason was because i wasnt happy and didnt respect the elders and the congregation was made up of unhappy people.

    I was always being lectured for being happy. When i had a study that came to the meeting i thought thats a good thing, and i was happy. But this wasnt so with the elders because the study didnt sit correctly and put his feet up on a chair so they wernt happy....oh i was happy when i met and displayed on my home wall a signed shirt of my favourite rock band..the elders wernt happy and said it was idol worship and asked me to take it down. ...blah blah blah i discoverd i was happy when i wasnt spiritual indoctrinated people, even if some were great people.

    So i think thats why i left the witnesses and now i have more time to be happy....

  • punkofnice

    The WBT$ keeps repeating over and over again that JW's are the 'happiest people on earth'. Say it often enough and someone will believe you.

    If JWs were that happy the WBT$ wouldn't have to keep on reminding them.

    No wonder you left. It's hell in there!

  • Phizzy

    I did leave because of Doctrine, but I always felt much more comfortable in the company of non-JW's, as a born-in I couldn't really explain this.

    We were always told that the non-JW's were basically all bad people, and that the only people who really cared about us were in the Congregation.

    When I left no one came to see me for ages, how much did they care ? (Not that I wanted a visit, that was fraught with danger , when it came).

    I now have very good friends who are non-JW's, and have never been JW's, who care about me and Mrs Phizzy, are kind, non-judgemental, and go out of their way to make life pleasant for us.

    We have some good XJW friends too who have similar fine qualities, but more because that is their natural, real personality rather than because they were once a JW.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    thanks for the replys...phizzy i realized my friends whose company i preferrd were those i met on the ministry...when i left i was lucky i had this support. athiests, christians, rastofarians,muslims and agnostics...people who liked me and i liked them none took skin color, race,doctrine seriously.

  • jwfacts

    There are many different things that can trigger a person leaving. Being unhappy within the organisation is a common one. Just make sure that you research the doctrine anyway, so as to come to a good understanding on why the Watchtower Society is a damaging religion. Otherwise you may find you continue to carry some of the residual fear and guilt, or may at some later point in time consider returning.

  • gorgia2

    new hope & happiness,

    Well done on being so brave and genuine. And jwfacts has great advice for you - just incase some jw's try to guilt you into 'coming back to the meetings' you will be fortified with knowledge about how warped and wrong their beliefs actually are, and you will be able to firmly decline!

    And yes, now you have more time to be happy. I wish you plenty of happy time.


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Thanks jwfacts..both for the reply and your web-page which helped me research the doctrine..i think its been a fantastic journey leaving, and it was a fantastic journey inside being a J.W . But i am not returning. Why? Because i despise politicians and thats how i see the structure of the organisation. Its government and individuals dont count.

    I admire you jwfacts an individual.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    thanks gorgia2 ..and i wish you plenty of happy times also.

  • Oubliette

    NHAH, I'm glad you're happy now. I also want to second what Phizzy and jwfacts said. It's important you realize exactly why JWs are not happy people inspite of their constant claims of being "the happiest people on earth!"

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    I think, now that you mention it NHAH, that I left for the same reasons.

    Its true, we are alot happier out of the borg than in.

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