Inside Australia's Chilling New Cult (AJ Miller ex jw)

by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin
  • brinjen

    I heard about this cult a year or two back. I knew a brother from the same congregation AJ Miller was in. Downright arrogant this one was... newly baptised and was convinced he was one of the 144,000. He'd show up to invites for dinners etc and lecture people about how they should be studying the Revelation book instead of socialising.

    He moved to my congregation to help his dad out with his takeaway shop. His dad wasn't a JW. A few sisters worked in that shop but quit when they got sick of this particular brother and his father barking at them to hurry up (and getting downright nasty and abusive) whenever the place got busy... as opposed to helping out with the backlog instead. He didn't stay too long... he moved back to his original congregation and I heard he went apostate not too long after... but he still believed he was one of "God's chosen"... Of course... this was years ago (back in the 90's).

    **edited to add**

    Scratch that... wrong congregation.

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