
by EmptyInside 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    I get called an apostate despite being an atheist ...... Apostate to the JW's is basically 'treason'. You are not permitted to leave under any justification, even by your own making.

    This site is clearly considered apostate, supporting it would be seen as treason. They have also said its wrong to talk on such blogs and forums. They don't want JWs hearing why people left and passing the info on.

    thats all.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    I never really understood the jw's take on apostacy, like I have never been baptised but am speaking badly about the Jbuds on facebook, some friends are jw's, does that make an apostate? I think it should but some have said no because I am not baptised.

    So baptism makes all the difference???? It's just bizzare

  • Kojack57

    My daughter is a j-dub and she called her husband an apostate because he knows the TTATT and he is a baptist. So to them anyone who speaks against the Cult is apostate in their minds.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Yes, but I could point out to her that their material says otherwise, its those that learn the "truth", are dunked and then turn in the opposite direction.

    If what was not the case then jw's wouldn't be preaching because them everyone is a potential apostate, of course in reality they will find excuses to shun anyway like "oh, we should not associate with worldly people". The thing is I have been shunned just because I did not attend the passing of the bread and white!!!! And now that the cat is out of the bag, I guess difference of opinion is reason enought.

  • JWOP

    An apostate is someone who abandons their religious faith.

    Do JW's realize that those who leave their old religions to become JW's are ALSO apostates?

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