Who is the dumbest GB member?

by MrFreeze 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrFreeze

    All of the GB members are dumb. So which one is the dumbest? I'm going with either Losch or Morris. Leaning towards Losch.

  • zound

    They form the dumbest when they meet together.

  • finallysomepride

    they each take their turn on a monthly basis

  • zound

    It's hard to compare Anothony Morris the Third's illustration of a fly walking around a giant metal sphere and slowly reducing it with friction. With Gerret's illustration of putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger to cure OCD.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    They reign over about 8 million people. That is one million per each GB member.

    I don't know which of them is the dumbest.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I remember hearing Loesch delivering a talk in Myanmar, where it was translated into Burmese as he gave it, saying 'God created Adam and eve, not Adam and Steve!' And of course none of the Burmese got it...and I always thought someone like Loesch who had English as his second language should have known that puns and idioms don't translate.


    The WBT$ Governing Popes are as Dumb as Rocks..

    Let the WBT$ GB Popes run your life..

    Find your Inner Mineral!!..

    Become a JW!!..

    .......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif... OUTLAW

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    With Gerret's illustration of putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger to cure OCD.


    I always thought this was the GB's warm-up method for inventing "new light".

    So much easier to do when your brain's been forcibly removed from your cranium.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yes. The Peter Principle in action.

  • zound

    It's possible some of them are clinically senile. Who would know?

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