Did You Ever Experiment At A New Kingdom Hall By Sitting In the Back, Or Wait To Be Greeted?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    When my husband would give talks out there were many, many times I would stand totally by myself while my husband was talking with the elders from the hall about his talk and the opening song, etc and no one would say a word to me, I would just be standing by myself feeling stupid. No one would come up to me at all. I remember this one time my husband knew some of the elders in the hall so they were having this sort of elders meeting before meeting and I was left totally by myself feeling stupid like so many times before when I looked over at the other women and they were just staring at me. I felt like I was back in middle school. So I went up to some of the women and tried to talk to them, it was like I had spinach in my teeth or something repulsive about me. They just gave me one word answers and I waked away feeling even more stupid.

    I always tired myself to say hi to new ones who came to the meetings because I hated that feeling of no one noticing you. So this new couple came to the hall right before I stopped going and I went up and talked to the wife, turned out we knew some of the same people and I had very nice conversation with her. Little did I know that the PO CoBE was watching and I got talked to by him because this couple decided to come to our hall as it was to quote them it was so "friendly" and the CoBE told me they were a problem family and I just caused the elders more work. I was just blown away by the CoBE's talking to me like that. 'Really' the CoBE told me I was too friendly.

    Turned out that they soon made the husband a MS and are using the heck out of him, it must have turned out he was not the problem family the CoBE thought he was I guess.


  • Heartofaboy

    That's how I felt LITS................after my experience, when I still went to the meetings, I always made the effort to go up & talk to visitors if I saw they were on their own.

    Unfriendly Kingdom Halls full of JWs can be a humiliating & lonely experience.


  • NeverKnew

    I thought cults did the love-bombing thing... or is that only if you walk in with a known individual?

    In a conversation with my friend, I was railed against for not coming to the KH and meeting the "friends."

    If I went, he wouldn't be able to come near me I suppose, for, being a female, he wouldn't be allowed to know me, correct?

    I'm wondering if I'd be met with the same coldness you all speak of. I wonder how that would make him feel.

    This would be a complete fail if the whole congregation swarmed with the love-bomb thing.

    His KH is probably predominantly African-American - in churches that can make a difference. Has anyone noticed if that makes a difference here?

  • punkofnice

    When I turned up at a hall outside of the city to give a public talk I noticed there were several reactions....

    1. You'd be asked if you were DF or not.

    2. You'd be asked if you were a JW. I think this was because they wanted to 'place' literal-trash, count 'hours' and claim a 'study'.

    3. Someone would welcome you genuinely while others remained in their cliques.

    4. No human contact at all (Allenton congregation in Derby was sooooo unfriendly....but then all the elders were related).

    I noticed that if I gave a good public talk (self praise), there was a kind of jealousy from the other elders too.

    Allenton, Derby

  • blondie

    We were asked once if we were jws. When we said yes, everyone disappeared. I guess they were all eagerly trying to get in some easy time or bible study.

  • AnneB

    The worst thing I ever saw was in Burbank, California. For some unfathomable reason I decided to attend a meeting there, walked in early, and the first people I saw were a Gilead couple, home on vacation from their assignment on another continent. I had known them years before they were even married; never expected to see them in CA.

    There were about 30 people already in the KH, talking in their little groups. No one even noticed that I had come in, much less greeted me. Worse, the wife of the Gilead couple (a really lovely young woman, always liked her!) was perched on the armrest of an aisle seat completely across the Hall from the locals...alone! No one paid a bit of attention to her! The husband, who had family in that congregation, was likewise alone, standing at the back of the hall.

    Of course I went up to the sister immediately and her face lit up when she saw me. She brought me over to her husband and he was glad to see me as well because no one was talking to him either! Remember, these were Gileadites, and wonderful people as well, visiting their "home" congregation!

    The sister and I talked right up to the minute the meeting started, and then we sat together. Not a soul in the Hall had spoken to either one of us. Her husband gave a little pep talk during the Service Meeting which was greeted with a yawn.

    I didn't stick around too long after the meeting, but during the time that I was there, no one approached me or them, not one single soul.

    I am still shocked and this happened a good ten years ago.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    The first Meeting my mother went to should have warned her but she was so full of guilt from committing adultery she was willing to accept the rude and unloving treatment her new religion "The Jehovah's Witnesses" began to inflict on her.

    1951: My mother joins the cult only to find the local congregation is twenty miles from our house near Long Beach. She attends the meeting for two months before a elderly sister finally comes up to her, after being blown off for weeks, and this sister say's "Are you new or just passing by?"

    My parents move to a new location only to discover there is a Kingdom Hall closer than their past home. In Down Town Los Angeles, she attends the meetings and it's less cold but the Witnesses are not friendly nor outgoing to greet new people. The pack of JWs are sticking with their own and refuse to include anyone into the small congregation of thirty publishers.

    The elder kids in my family hated attending these meetings because they were treated like shit by the other kids and parents of the Kingdom Hall. I have nothing but horrible memories and remember my Mother crying when the Circuit Overseer told her to shut my younger sister up because she started to cry. This was done from the platform and my mother stopped attending meetings for a year and nobody checked up on here. She was getting the religion out of her system until some Witnesses were working our street, than the sisters talked with Mom for three hours and invited her to another Kingdom Hall that was suppose to be kinder.

    1965, she goes to the newer Kingdom Hall and one of the sisters who were part of the Field Service cargroup came up and greeted her. That sold my mother, that there must be love in this Organization. The Jehovah's Witnesses were not the most kind people, I listen to the elderly talk about how "good the people in the old days where" but I am old enough to remember the Generation of elderly from 1960s and know there were not sweet as cherry pie. Some were outright rude and ugly, cranky and big mouth jerks!

    I guess some people feel bad when they committ adultery, others can care less and belive Jesus will forgive them because we were built to sin! I find being around fake Christians who use the Blood of Jesus Christ to cheat on their man or woman and preach Jesus Christ the most digusting creeps.

    My Mom was trapped by the guilt and made a terrible decession, she never screwed around again after her fling. The pentinence of exposing yourself to a Cult who can't even greet or say Hi or be loyal to members trying to join them, should have set off a warning alarm in her mind. Her guilt and the pain of other issues from childhood and that feeling of worthlessness the Organization quickly throws on us was the perfect reciepe to sucker Mom in!

    I don't have issues with people who are players as long as they don't talk religion with me. I have worldy friends who are secularist who are chasing a different woman or man every weekend. They don't talk religion, one of the new friends I met waited six months for his wife to goof off in Brazil before she finally moved up to live with him. People in his church told him to divorce the woman, she did not cheat on him, she was hanging out with her friends and partying. My friend Joey is a born-again Christian who walk's the walk and talk's the talk. No profanity, a family man and loves to read his Bible. We have bonded very well because he is real and authenticate and full of joy and happiness, he is not a big mouth or desires to be the center of attention.

    I have a Middle Eastern friend who enjoy's all the parties and chasing girls every week. We jog and lift weights (He still can't touch my 400lb Bench Press or the 80lb dumb curls) and mountain bike. We both went on a trip to Fruita, Colorado and rode the Colorado River Gorge, we are training together for a Iron Man mini competition. I get along so good with him because he is so honest, he hides nothing from me and pressures nobody, just a kind man who the time fly's by so quick with. I wish my mother had figured out how to get the guilt out of her head and learn how to seperate different people in different compartments and not have allowed the JW Religion to kill off potential friendships.

    I have changed the model my Mother set before me, my life is full of authentic friends and I am not willing to share my life with people who have issues with telling the truth. I won't be guilted into comingling my life with people who are liars and have no ounce of loyalty. When you watch a person on a video tell three elders "He is not lying as he lies", and tells me "trust me, I won't lie to you!" my mothers past fears come to my mind and I won't be guilted into hooking up with people who are not happy as they head down a classic path of personal destruction.

    I broke off ties with a pseduo religious Jesus Freak, it bothered me sins like "adultery, fornication and lying" are part of his new Christian Church. As for me, Once you start to speak religion you make me sick, if your going to preach a message of Christ and his morals and live like Satan the Devil, I want nothing to do with filth like that. I won't allow myself to be tied down to creeps like Mother did, I owe nobody nothing!

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