Do you know of any criminals that became JW?

by Iamallcool 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert7

    I met a guy at an airport bar once. He was recently out of prison (not sure for what, but was a few years), said he studied with JWs in prison. I mentioned I was out and didn't believe. He was witnessing to ME to go back to meetings even though he never himself has been to a meeting! Crazy cult brainwashing!

  • MinisterAmos

    Charles Pearce: Elder in Pensacola, Florida. Originally charged as a kiddy diddler (possibility of life sentence), he pled down to "only" cruelty and abuse. The statement given by the victim was heart breaking!

    Mug shot in field service duds =====> "type in his name and select current and released"

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    i can't name them all who were criminals and became "preceived strong JWs" only to go back to jail again for ripping off the brotherhood of the traveling book-bags.

    Were you thinking of JWs who were former criminals and remained a JW longer than Five Years after baptism? Usually some of the nasty backgrounds who remain are elders, it keeps their mind busy.

  • sooner7nc

    This guy here is married to the daughter of the Elder in Healdton, Oklahoma that gave my Grandpa's and Cousin's funeral talk.

    the brotherhood of the traveling book-bags.

  • LisaRose

    I was in a congregation near Folsom Prison, they did study with inmates. One of the wives of one of the studies moved to be closer to the prison and started attending meetings. He attended a few times after he got out, but I never saw them again. It didn't seem likely they would stay, but who knows, he could be a pioneer somewhere.

  • Chaserious

    This guy is (or at least probably still is) a witness.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    One learned the "truth" while in prison, his crime raping his own six year old little girl and also another one, and molesting a child before that. When he got out of prison he had sisters lined up to marry him the two he picked had little girls the age of the children he molested. The elders just love this guy to bits. He of course was DF'ed after each divorce the elders did have keep up appearances you know, but both times he was reinstated before a year was up. He is now single again this time he is in his mid 60's I am sure some grandmother will snatch him up who has many little grand babies and the elders will look on with such pride that he is helping yet another poor single mom and being a great grandfather.

    Also we had one who was baptized before he went to prison for raping a child, of course the elders say he did not really rape the little girl because after all he told the while body he did not do the crime it was all a miscarriage of justice even though he spent eight years in prison for the rape. The judge and the system was just out to get him for some reason poor man.

    I was threatened with being DF'ed because I told a mom in the hall about his prison time. The elder told me the this man told the whole body he did not do the crime and NO BROTHER EVER LIES TO THE WHOLE BODY OF ELDERS!!!!

    Another one in the hall had been in prison for pimping out girls not sure of their ages and if he was baptized before or after his time in the joint. But yet again the elders all loved him to bits, and that is what really counts right not the safty of kids.


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