SEP/OCT "Answer Sheet"... Sisters need to keep their questions to themselves...

by Calebs Airplane 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    So who would these women question at home if they were unmarried, single or widows? Or what if their husband was not a Christian or df'd/da'd?

  • RayPublisher

    Some feel that passage was added by someone else and was not even written by Paul...

  • WTWizard

    Whatever scumbag that was responsible for that rubbish is nothing more than a male chauvinist PIG. I cannot put it nicely and still be accurate, since this is blatant hate speech against women who are necessary for the propagation of human life. I know of no reason to suspect that women are innately parasites, or that seek to enslave men. As such, and as women give as much as they take in relationships, such hate speech is unfounded.

    On the other hand, whatever thing put such in our doctrines does deserve hate. If it is found in a religion, that religion needs to go down. If it's in the LIE-ble, the LIE-ble needs to be trashed. If the Talmud or Quran contain this male chauvinist PIG speech that relegates women to being slaves, those documents are also rubbish good only to expose the idiocy of those abiding by them. And the group(s) responsible for placing such trash in our religions need to be held accountable and punished severely, even if doing so is not "politically correct" (perhaps the same scumbags keeping women down also infesting our sense of "politically correctness"?). Women need to bring forth their questions, and should be allowed to answer them according to their knowledge of the answers. Women are as capable of providing good answers as men, and men are as capable of providing rubbish answers.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Well, I opened my study Bible which is the NIVR Archaeological Bible. It notes that Paul's instructions on orderly worship are not clear. For example, Paul, unlike the WT writers or GB, established every congregation to which he wrote, with the sole exception of Romans. He knew the individuals well. We do not know have the copies of letters that the local congregations sent to him. This was a two way correspondence at the least. We are only hearing one side of a conversation among intimates. There may have been a specific situation in Corinth rather than a general rule.

    Paul, in other scriptures, felt that women were gifted by God with more power to prophecy and pray in public than men. It seems bizarre that he would command silence when he praised such attributes highly.

    The suggestion to keep silent must be viewed in context with pagan worship. Women were the powers that be in pagan and mystery cults. The preistesses were more important than the priests. He may have wanted more equaltiy with men rather than banning women. This makes even more sense when Paul writes or mentions specific women as true leaders in the churches he founded.

    Women played a prominent role, equal with men, in most early Christianities. Christianity offered much to women. General society was patriarchal. A Roman male could murder his wife and children for no reason and not even be rebuked. Paul wanted some other vision. Jesus' friendships with Mary and Martha, and Mary Magdalene show how Jesus interacted with women. They were feminine but not saps. I am no Martha but a Mary with all caps. Martha may have been sap.

    I always assumed Magdalene was a former prostitute. Donatella's sculpture comes to my mind. When I first read that she was an independent wealthy woman with great resources who backed Jesus' ministry I was shocked. Feminists kept returning to the subject. I pulled out my Bible and read all four gospel accounts of Magdalene. She is NOT a prostitute in the Bible.

    We let some Constantine imposed Roman order position women in Christianity. Frankly, I don't live in the Middle Ages or Renaissance. Ignorance should be fought. All the WT does by this propaganda is limit themselves. The feminine is part of yin/yang. Men have feminine sides. A balanced person should be in touch with both. I recall when women could hold no policy positions b/c of menstruation. Older women lacked male hormones. Well, we may very well have an elected female U.S. president very soon. Women have held the "hot" spots of power - Secretary of State, U.S. Supreme Court justice with distinction. Men and women complement each other. The WT shoots itself.

    The sad part is all the oh so many female Witnesses who bite into this hatred. A true man can take women. The Witnesses have eunuchs, too focused on penises. They must lack equipment or function.

  • frankiespeakin

    Sounds like the writtings of a male chauvinist pig.

    amalewhoacts superior to and aggressively toward women. (From the woman's liberation movements of the 1970s.) : The guy is just a male chauvinist pig, and he'll never change. , That's you! Walter L. Waddington, MCP

  • pixel

    What the...? that's some serious micromanagement by Paul, per thew WT says.

    So, if these verse talk about women waiting their turn to talk, does this mean they can preach from the stage now? I thought they applied this verse as a proof not to let women take the stage.

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