2015 May edition of JW Broadcasting: the GB beggar

by Gorbatchov 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    Tonight Gorby and his wife watched a part of the 2015 May edition of JW Broadcasting. We couldn't force our self to watch the full stuff, because of it's sneaky way of production. First of course the Dynasty melody at the start, the world map background and the car salesman mr. Lett.

    Then the outright lies about the financial policy of the Society. Making 1 bilion out of property sales, and this is seemingly not enough for them. Even the lie that the profit of selling one big NY office is equal to a few weeks of the Society's budget.

    Then Lett try's to hide the true meaning of the congregational mortgage procedure. And the misunderstandings about the Society's financial position by the general JW, as told to the GB by the CO's.

    What a great mess. WTS seems bankrupt, but it could be a simple way of enough is not enough.

    There is a lack of transparency. Lett is telling half truths. And lies. Does some JW's wake up now?

    For us, fading for more then 5 years, this is enough to see that we made the right choice and stand on the good side of history. Watching the 'donation song' at the end of this episode, with the propaganda about creditcard donation on the ipad, we see a religion that is totally changed during our absent.

    We hope that this self exposure of the GB will wake up your and our JW family.

    Mr. Lett, your psychological tricks "We don't ask for donations" and "first of course, you think about money, I will come to that later, lets read the scriptures first" is not working. Next time, try honesty.

    Regards, Gorby

  • RichardHaley
  • CloseTheDoor
  • TheFadingAlbatros

    Such an amount of hypocrisy in this manipulative talk of May 2015 delivered worldwide by Mr. Lett.

    So happy to have recently voluntarily and officially withdrawn myself hundred percent from this Cult !!

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    is there some way we ( whoever may want to ) can donate a small amount of money to the wt that will cost it more to collect and process than its worth--a net loss ?
  • ctrwtf
    I especially enjoyed the vague threat about nine minutes in. First he tells about someone who could attend the KH for 20 years and not contribute a cent and no one would know.........Except Jehovah, and he is really vengeful toward freeloaders. So pony up or die!
  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    is there some way we ( whoever may want to ) can donate a small amount of money to the wt that will cost it more to collect and process than its worth--a net loss ?

    I guess you could send them a cheque, where the amount in words is different from the figures, they will send it back to you and ask for another, or request you make a bank transfer

    send them a treasure map with a cross on it, don't forget the scull and crossbones in the top left hand corner.

  • _Morpheus
    You know stan thats a hell of an idea. In the USA, credit card processing companys charge a fee per transaction which is how they make money. A donation of .01 (US funds), if the web site lets you do it, would cost them more to transact then the penny they would get.
  • WTWizard
    They are trying to damn your soul, and that is what they care about. More so than just the money. You pay, you are eternally in debt. You pay with obedience to the fictitious Jesus, you pay debt for a sin that was bogus, you pay with sexual repression including homophobia, you pay with having to forgive those who intentionally set out to ruin your life. Of course they will add poverty to this list.
  • Icarus

    [quote]stan livedeath a day ago

    is there some way we ( whoever may want to ) can donate a small amount of money to the wt that will cost it more to collect and process than its worth--a net loss?[/quote]

    If everyone sent them a check for $.01 they'd set it aside. Once they begin to stack up and amount to a large sum, they'd eye it and greedily get their hands caught in the proverbial monkey trap http://bit.ly/1KP1frO

    On a different note: Lett's expressions, rather than being an indication of Tourette's Syndrome, to me, are the visible manifestations of a person who is trying hard to lie with a straight face. It is like a gut-wrenching guilt expression. The down-turning of the mouth when he speaks of the urgency (starting at around 17:00) and rattles off numbers . I agree with gorby, it is psychological, a tell that someone is lying.

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