The "Sign of the last days" and 2 Timothy 3:1-5

by EdenOne 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    I'll jump on THAT bandwagon - marked!

  • Phizzy

    Many scholars feel that the "Pastorals" (1Tim,2Tim,and Titus) were written about 100 AD by someene of the Pauline school.

    The writer would have been concerned that the "End" had not come yet, and Christ had not returned, so wished to keep his readers in a state of expectation, proving by what was seen to be happening around them that they were then in the "Last Days".

    There will still be people playing around with these (somewhat spurious) texts in 100 years from now I expect, claiming that the End " Must be soooo close".

  • Bobcat

    Concerning the "last days" and how NT writers saw the idea in relation to themselves, I posted an analysis of the verses speaking of it here.

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