JW Grammar is...

by jw07 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tater-T

    Ah yes the thread I was looking for .. When I saw this a bit a go .. I thought about my old friends Facebook post..check it out...

    This guy and I were great friends.. I tried to friend on FB but, he didn't reply to my messages.. I was wondering if he is in and if so,

    How" In" are we talking..

    here is a copy of a post he made on FB .. help me out is he........................... IN...

    here is actual post.. and a link , it's what he is commenting on..then comments on his post

    THis absolutely makes me sick. For so many people to such so much got one person. And IN a faith where God is not evident. If catholicism is truly of God there wouldn't be so many sexual perverts in the priesthood. Catholicism is one of the most demonic religions on the face of the earth.


    • As if people need religion to do messed up things, it's just another EXCUSE by HUMANS who'd probably be doing these things either way, Done "in the name of god" DOES NOT translate to "BY GOD"

      So much hate ON Christians in modern times by an even WORSE moral state of society is kind of calling the kettle black by your logic don't you think? March 13 at 1:30pm · Like
    • I agree and yet it's everywhere else to. Satan's demonic garbage trying to ruin hope and truth of God our merciful loving true God Jehovah. We must remember evilness lurks all around but Jehovah sees it all and nothing is hidden from him. He keeps account of those harming motherland in due time he will have vengeance upon those evil ones.
    • March 14 at 9:43am via text message · Like
    • I agree that evil in this world takes all forms. In how people choose to be. There are good and bad people lurking in all faiths some just hide it more. March 14 at 9:45am via text message · Lik
    • I understand you Travis and I respect your seasonings completely.
    • March 14 at 9:46am via text message · Like
  • InquiryMan

    Is the lack of proper language skills a unique American JW-problem? I do not see it as omnipresent in Scandinavia as presented in this thread. Far from it.

  • notjustyet

    There is a youtube video series that a user named Mikeatheist has where he allowed 2 elders to conduct numerous bible studies with him.

    On one of the studies an elders commented about being virile in his days preJW and said, (paraphrasing now)

    "When I was younger, I would hit that Pu$$y every chance I would get,.. chuckle chuckle chuckle"

    Here is the lead in video, there are many and I don't remember which one it was in, but they are all worth the watch.



  • LongHairGal


    Unfortunately, in the world today, some people don't think grammar matters. They put it in the same pain-in-the ass category as etiquette. They may think that because they have computer skills that it doesn't matter anymore.

    Pathetically, the JW religion is home to many people who are barely literate. And, in some cases, they are proud of their ignorance.

    While a generation or so ago this was not the case because basic education was better nationwide, nowadays it is the case. This is why the religion has dumbed-down its literature and writes as though they are are addressing grade-schoolers.

    Too many JWs of today could not grasp the older publications if their life depended on it.

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