No Booing Allowed At District Conventions Especially During Apostate Hate Speech Talks

by frankiespeakin 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    This District Assembly talk is so bad it a shame that no one is allowed to get up boo it, or voice anything negative about it, they have a captive audience of heads noding yes and claps of approval and agreement with every word or else.

    It would liven up things if a group spread out in a stadium and started yelling "Hate Speech Hate Speech!"

  • jam

    What would be nice, a fly over with a banner "hate

    speech, God said love your ememies," Dodger stadium

    for example. Circle the stadium when the talk is given on


  • WTWizard

    And this is hate speech against a group of people that have seen their lies or that they themselves abused. Hating someone simply because they are telling the truth is inexcusable--yet they whine when someone uses hate speech against themselves for suppressing truth and supporting lies. And slavery, torture, bashing gay people for being gay, repressing sexuality, treating women as scum, and molesting children after teaching them that sex is so dirty.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Jam, there hasn't been a convention at Dodger for about 15 years

  • NoRegrets

    The conventions in Minnesota have been in Rochester MN for many years. There is one main highway that most people travel on from the north to get there. I've often wondered what it would cost to rent a billboard and put a message on it. Something along the lines of "Jehovah's Witnesses divide and destroy families!". I imagine that would bring about a lawsuit from WT legal!

    No Regrets

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    too contrversal. I would cite the Conti case with a website address

  • tiki

    they'd rejoice in the persecution.........

    and the attendants remove hecklers from the audience........

  • frankiespeakin


    Yes I think they would even physically remove such persons with possible law suits if roughly handled. But I imagine if say 20 or 30 people spread all through out the convention planned it good and worked out something that one after another would start chanting Hate speech it would make a big impact.

  • frankiespeakin

    Well it's a same that they have a captive audience that's unaware off the fact that this is hate speech directed at innocent victims who have seen thru the charade and want to help others see the deception.

  • jam

    Wha happened: WOW, so you get an idea how long I have

    been out, "15 years since they have had a Convention at Dodger". LOL

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