Relating to Non-JW's

by LucidSky 27 Replies latest social relationships

  • butalbee

    Nice feet.
    I have a secret foot fetish, so I shall cherish that pic *always*.

    Hotfeet.jpg?? Really? Let's see more......

    I promise I won't share....I'm begging!

  • Xena

    Damn he escaped!!! Next time one of us will have to remember to TRIP him!!!!

  • Prisca

    Lucid, beware of those naughty apostate internet women. They only want you for one thing. Your feet. You made a grave mistake posting that pic. I know you had good intentions, but sometimes we make mistakes out of naiveity. But I have a feeling you'll be fine.

    I left for many reasons. I had many questions and doubts that could not be answered by the Society. Many of those questions were about the Society. I also used to think of that scripture where Jesus said that we would know his sheep by the love they showed. I couldn't see that love displayed by the congregations. With the exception of some rare individuals, the congregations were filled with ppl who lived by the dictates of the organisation, not by the love of Christ.

    Deep down, I knew the Society was not being lead by God. I finally allowed myself to look at "apostate" websites, read Crisis of Conscience which filled in the missing pieces, and slowly withdrew myself from the Borg. I'm not disfellowshipped nor disasssciated, as I'm not going to play by their rules. And since I left I have been a happier person, and my life is much better.

  • Xena

    Goody-two-shoes giving away ALL our secrets!

  • plmkrzy

    I guess I'm not naughty enough.

    btw...nice feet.Where ever they went

    No matter how thin you slice it there are always two sides
  • butalbee

    LOL@Prisca's foot comment.

  • JBean

    Whoa... this Lucid guy's a hottie! : ) We have soooo many attractive men and women on this board... I just can't stand it!

  • detective

    As a non-jw who was befriended by a JW, it's true that I was in a situation where I could never have understood the "this is okay, that's not okay" mentality. I didn't understand the rules, it was that simple. I probably would still be stumbling around in the dark if I hadn't heard one too many crazy comments and decided to start poking around for answers on my own. Yes, now I have a better understanding of what's taboo and what's not. I understand that there can be anxiety related to certain activities/people/things. I have a much better grasp of the situation though it's absolutely unlike anything I've ever experienced.

    But when I read things- hateful, ugly things- in their articles about me (a worldly one) and more so about people who are far finer individuals than I am (yes, and worldly, imagine that), well, I can't even begin to explain how it felt when I first read that stuff.

    Here I was, not thinking too much about witnesses, but boy- were they ever devoting time thinking about me (not personally, of course). And they weren't thinking such nice things! It blew me away.

    I'll probably be talking to my JW friend within the week (after very sporadic contact over the past few months). I tried pretty hard to understand a belief system and a thought pattern that was completely foreign to me. I don't think my friend really, fully extended that same courtesy to me. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but in some ways I am. It's about time to have it out with my friend, just to say the painful things and move past them. Not looking forward to it, though.

  • LucidSky

    But - Sorry, Xena wanted it first. I know I can trust her. She said so. But maybe if you're really, really nice to her, she'll let you have a peek?

  • LucidSky

    Pris - Golly. I had no idea I was making such grievous mistakes. I might have inadvertently debased those innocent ladies' minds with that filthy image. Thank you so much for stopping me before I committed another heinous error.

    I've read both of Franz's books. Truly an eye-opener for me too, but at that point in my life, I already knew. It was incredible having it all laid out and reinforced so clearly though.

    Crisis of Conscience appeals best to persons who see the ugly side of the WTS: wolfish leaders, lack of love (or worse), scandal/church politics, need for numbers vs. quality, etc. My original hometown congregation wasn't close to perfect, but it was sincere and supportive. At the next congregation I went to, bad elements started showing through - mostly lordful leaders. I think I would make a better elder than those unloving theocratic jerks. Last news I heard they were having an apostate witch hunt.

    Because I didn't have exposure to too much negativity, Christian Freedom appealed to me more. My issues became primarily doctrinal -- Exclusive truth? Hmmm... these guys over here believe that. <Shortly after...> Wait just a sec, these other guys seem to have this particular point right, but you clearly don't. The rest folded quickly once I let go of the "exclusive truth" belief. I might never have realized it without exposure to the internet and discussion forums like this one though.

    detective - Yep, it's true. Anything or anyone not classified JW is classified "worldly," and in a bad way. Your friend probably views you that way too, even if he/she may like you as a person. Nothing personal, just the way we were taught to think of everyone else because we were constantly reinforced with that thought. When the exception does come along, we will nitpick it in our minds for anything negative... "Sure, sure. Mother Teresa's a good person... but she sure don't have da troof!" I think one of the first things to break the JW worldview is getting them to drop the "exclusiveness" mentality. Otherwise they just blind themselves to any wrongs.

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