Who/what is more responsible for you becoming a JW?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • HarryMac

    Family: Step-father had fleshly sisters long term in 'the truth'. He wasn't bright... we started going when I was thirteen. I am realizing as I type this that we were sort of duped in the sense that the family was nicer than average KH attendee... I guess that might be another thread.

  • smiddy

    I take full responibility that I converted to the JW cult , sadly I influenced quite a few other family members to eventually join me , happily though their is only one that remains in the cult .


  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    The injustice in the world, depression and toxic parents made jwdom seem like the solution and they made their way of life seem so attractive.

    It was what I needed at the time, I think.

    When I became unhappy with it all I should have walked then but I believed the problem was me not them. I was a miserable dub for another 5 years before finally quitting.

  • HarryMac

    Yup, I should have quit sooner as well. That was all me. I actually believed it though. I was so miserable the last few years... what a relief it was to find out it wasn't true at all!


  • *lost*

    Myself, for being the one who opened the door when the JW knocked and used the Bible to decieve me, not knowing she was being deceived herself.

    If she hadn't used the Bible, I wouldn't of given them a chance.

    Second time I went back, my own stupid fault.

    Third time, lol, well, what can I say, but happy now I know I found this place and the 'truth'.

    Still believe in the possibility there is a God, still curious about many things in life.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    Like Julia I was converted as a teenager. Two girls in junior high began talking to me about evolution. Too bad I didn't have enough knowledge (self-confidence) to refute them. Also like Julia I was shy and socially awkward. They plied me with promises of living forever on a paradise earth with a large loving family. But, and this was a big BUT, Armageddon was due in a few years and the times were URGENT! (How long can times be urgent!!) That was back in the late sixties. I had also determined that there was no burning hell and that war was wrong so that gave them an opening of common ground.

    I was loved bombed and I ate it up.

    Reopened Mind

  • cantleave

    Born in. Doubted so much but stayed in because "where else was there to go?"........

  • tiki

    third generation (overlapped hahahha) born-in..........grew up in fear......locked in, nowhere to turn.......got free eventually! the process began back in 1918 with my grandfather....dysfunctional family....abandoned the mother of his five kids (more of a story there, but details have been successfully hidden from descendants) Lot of crazy stuff.....

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    Amelia Ashton, ditto on all points.

  • minimus

    Born in here....

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