What movie did you walk out on when a jw? Have you seen it since? What changed?

by Wasanelder Once 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    Blazing Saddles, but I was LMAO as I was leaving.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Lol, I loved Another World too andDays of Our Lives!! I never walked out of a movie but was always too afraid to go to an R rated movie!

  • prologos

    the childrens hour.

    dont go to movies any more, refuse to be battered, insulted by trailers i do not want to see. Imax only for the awe.

    the worst was the national anthem in the old days when we were young. why are they called old days anyway?.

  • jookbeard

    how can Blazing Saddles be offensive to Dubs? the beans scene LMAO, Beetelgeuse was a great film

  • Silverback

    When I was about 14 I went with my family to see a double feature at the movies with mum and dad and some other witness friends I cant remember the first movie but the second one was See No Evil Hear No Evil with Richard Pryer in it all my school mates saw us walk out with in 15 minutes of the movie it was embarrising the next day at school . Now that movie is quite tame compared to whats out now like Duce Bigaluo Male Gigalo was the second movie Ihad to walk out from in my twentys with some of my pioneers friends I wanted to stay with one of the pioneer sisters she couldnt stop laughing but because of peer pressure and being seen there to not walk out would be a bad witness its ironic we walk out of that movie to go in and watch another whitch was 3 Kings I think its called with Mark Walberg and whats his name Gourge Klonney about soldiers in Sadams war on Sadam Hussain Iracq seeing blood and guts and shooting is alright but comedy bad langage and sexual refs is not ok and yes Ive seen all movies now and Duce Bigalo is a favourite .

  • HarryMac

    The only movie I walked out of for moral reasons was after I was done with 'the truth'.

    It was '8mm' I think (or another movie like it around that time).... about people being filmed while being abused in more ways than one.

    I was filled with rage that this passed as entertainment and I stood up and yelled 'This is fucking bullshit!' and stormed out of the theatre leaving my friends there. No lie.

    They came and picked me up after the movie at the bar across the parking lot. I think I was drinking before I went to that movie, which explains my lack of impulse control, lol.

    Yeah, I don't drink anymore. Anyway, that's my walk out story. Enjoy.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    "Debby Does Los Angeles" because Pee Wee Herman was in the seat behind me!

  • LouBelle

    I never walked out of a movie but there were certain movies I just avoided altogether: Stigmata, End of Days, Constintine: I still remember saying to friends - even movies are becoming so obviously satanic. I have seen them all and have really enjoyed them. I kind of have a thing for paranormal movies now - I watching them.

  • FlyingHighNow

    That Johnny Depp Hunter Thompson Las Vegas movie. But it was because it was just disgusting.

  • smiddy

    My sons still throw this up at me from time to time and we all laugh about it. I was an MS both my sons were mid & ,early teens they brought home a video to watch with some freinds ,nothing wrong with that eh ? The movie ? The life of Brian .I dont know how long it went before I said words to the effect your not watching this crap in our home and I turned it off .I think I objected to the way the name jehovah was bandied around ,I cant be sure.

    That was a long time ago

    However I love that movie now , their is so much truth in it , I cant beleive how brainwashed I must have been


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