Can somebody explain the changes I read in the WT??

by diana netherton 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    I can't see how it is possible to dump 1914.

    I'll bet more ink has dried printing that number than any other number ever printed in the history of the world.

    If 1914 is acknowledged as wrong we would have to look forward to the same 2nd coming as the rest of Christendom!

    1919 would be meaningless.

    Every word ever printing by the Watchtower Society would be rendered crack spackle!!

  • wandasue

    Thank you for the info. So did they get a count on partakers for this year Memorial. This stuff is so confusting, no more 144,000? Just the great 8?

  • 2+2=5

    What you read was a "new idea" by the Governing Body. According to GB member David Splane, the GB "love this new idea".

    The GB have been handed a promotion from Jehovah, which gives them the authority over 7 million people.

    The idea is that Jesus handed over the control of all his belongings (JWs), to the Governing Body in 1919. Never mind that there was no Governing Body in until the 1970's, or the fact that the GB were not made aware of their own identity until just now.

    The point is, it's a great idea from Jehovah that we should love.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS has literally put themselves a bit of a pickle with 1914 (607) for as time progressed and nothing happened as they proclaimed and speculated

    for such a long time, this core doctrine becomes more of a real liability toward the WTS's self proclaimed assertion that we are living in the last days.

    My honest guess is that if the WTS. is still around in 30 , 40 years they will eventually drop it as " OLD LIGHT " .

    It really was a conniving fraudulent devised doctrine to stir up interest to the WTS. publications.

    On that premise you could say it was effective and worked as intended.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'm pretty sure that in that issue they admit that the King of the North is Santa Claus.

  • prologos

    no, we can not really ex d splain it but we can point out the unexplainable scriptural problems! for example:

    In the FDS parables Jesus is reported to have exhorted his followers to pick up the good work right away, at his departure, a SEAMLESS feeding process,

    Jesus to Peter: "feed my little sheep" a direct command. an appointment with keys to boot. FDS = Feed Directly & Soon.

    starting in 1919?

    what food was served then?

    millions will never die because 1925 is so near? Babylon TG has fallen?

    comedy of errors.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I started reading it last night but was too tired to finish. Too busy today so I bookmarked the issue to fully grasp the nonsense for future just in cases.....with family....

    Am I mistaken? Did I see on another thread mention of a rapture type thing happening with the annointed?

  • carla


  • HarryMac

    I find the fact they are minimising 1914 kind of depressing.

    It's the reason that I'd be lucky to graduate high school, what with those 1914 old enough to remember type people getting older and older.

    Makes it real that this will just be a minor point for historians in the not too distant future. "Some little group in the 1900's believed what?"

    Time marches on... and we wasted our precious time on this.

  • Ding

    I don't think the GB expects JWs to understand all of their "new light."

    All a JW needs to know is that the GB is in charge and that they are always right.

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