How Does An EX-JW Go To Church For The Fun of The Experience?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    If you are on vacation and see a cute, pictureques, church and your fun and artistic side says, hey...let's go in...what's to be expected? I would think that it would be OK to just slip in for a few minutes and slip out again. Geez...I don't want to listen. Are pictures allowed..if you desire?

    I live in a large city.

    A few years back, my ex-Elder hubby had an Art class on a Sunday AM. So wifey, instead of taking a walk in the park...had fun walking from church to next beautiful church for a look see. It was FUN!

    I remember the one, maybe Anglican, in the back, before you go into the main Hall, there was a font of water, that people put there fingers into. i looked in. It was growing green mold. Eww.

    A few weeks later I was in the backseat serice car with the Co and his wife. LoisLane says, guess where I went? We all had a good laugh. I was in the first Circuit, he and his wife had 30 years ago. I wish they would wake up to TTATT.

    Just Lois

  • happytobefree

    They would let you in...but what is wrong with listening...just for the experience.

  • whathappened

    Hey my girl, Lois,

    I joined a skeptics group here in town and we have a blast. I don't miss the Kingdom Hall at all. Surprise, surprise!!! They are a lot more fun and much smarter than the dubs.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    HappyToBeFree...I have had enough "religion" to last me for how ever long I have the privledge of breathing.

    I see all religions as a swindle and a con. If I listened, it would be just to get a sense of that mornings con going on.

    Just Lois

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I attend churches for the fun of it! My home church is Anglican but I enjoy attending Roman Catholic and Orthdox churches. There is a Lutheran Church in NYC that does jazz service. My hope is to go Temple Emanuel, the leading synagogue in NY. My former neighborhood was chock full of tiny ethnic Eastern Orthodox churches.

    It is interesting to see the differences and similarities. What a change from Kingdom Hall.

    My first time after all the Witness training, I thought Jehoover would kill me with a lightning bolt. Times change.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    WhatHappened? You sound like fun to hang out with...(bad association lol).

    I think we are about 2,000 miles apart, as the crow flies.

    Just Lois

  • gma-tired2

    Im with you no more organized religion. How did you get the nerve to go into a church, and then mention it to CO and his wife. I always was warned against stepping into a church for any reason.

  • whathappened

    Too bad we are so far apart, you would be fun to hang out with, Lois.

  • jgnat

    I visited every church in town spare one (I could not figure out its hours). I used the Mystery Worshipper format to record my experience and yes, I took pictures, too. If you are not sure, just ask.

    The Catholic congregants took no notice of me at all. The clappy-happy ones gave me a brochure, a handshake, small talk, and a visitor's package. Not a single pioneer sister tried to dig a phone number out of me.

    If you don't want to be approached, time your entrance and exit.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Oh Band...If I ever get to your side of the world, we'll both go. lol

    My cousin had her funeral at the Mormon Church. The Church ladies were very nice. Has anyone seen the Bridal outfit they put the dead Elder's wife await her husband in heaven? No one had prepared me for that. Creepy. Hey. Before she died, one husband back, my mom's first cousin was a real charactor, large round bed, mirrors on the ceiling...Yes, you could say she enjoyed dress up, If that came out wrong, no disrespect. She was a lady.

    I have never been inside a Temple. That's next.

    Just Lois

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