ambition is not a dirty word

by snare&racket 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Good Job with that exam, Snare!

    I still have a copy of the June 8, 2005 Awake! that angered me. The article is "The Bible's Viewpoint--Is It Wrong to Be Ambitious?" They criticize the rational words of an early rabbi about pursing the full potential of a person, and then use some pointless stories about Abraham and Solomon to twist the mess around saying how "true Christians" must be humble, modest, and only focused on doing "God's will". The last subheading is "True Christians Avoid Ambition".

    I found the article particularly offensive for the reason I noted in the margin. Next to the title, "Is It Wrong to Be Ambitious?" I wrote, "Not if you want to be on the Governing Body!" Having the opportunity to meet the members of GB 2.0, I was completely unimpressed by their personalities and abilities. I saw no qualifications other than their ability to nibble crackers and sip wine once a year with a straight face. On one hand, I didn't see any of them as particularly ambitious because none of them had really accomplished anything in their lives, but they were ambitious in their seeking of glory and prestige that comes with being "anointed".

    With articles like this, it showed the stupidity that was saturating the "organization," that I saw first-hand was turning into "disorganization". In their idiocy, they reason that people should be content to be doormats. With such shoddy leadership in WT, they don't want anyone "ambitious" to be rocking their boat! Obedience is far more important that intelligence.

    From the excerpt of the rabbi's quote, he sounds far more intelligent to say that we should pursue our greatest potential without harming others. And why condemn the word "ambitious" as if it's wrong to pursue a raise or a promotion or higher education?

    Watchtower is being led by idiots.

  • Gopher


    / æm'b???n / Show Spelled [ am- bish - uh n ] Show IPA noun 1. an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment: Too much ambition caused him to be disliked by his colleagues. 2. the object , state, or result desired or sought after: The crown was his ambition. 3. desire for work or activity; energy: I awoke feeling tired and utterly lacking in ambition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the above definition ambition has positive descriptions like earnestness and willingness, even a "desire for work". It's true that some people with ambition step on others and push their weight around, and in that sense it could be negative.

    In the way the Watchtower uses it, doing almost anything for yourself that doesn't ultimately contribute to the organization's welfare comes under the heading of ambition.

    However if ambition causes you to reach out for privileges in service to THEIR organization, then they laud that kind of ambition. Anyone who is honest will admit there is social climbing, politicking and ambition which leads to honor amongst the JW's.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Critical thinking" is profanity for JWs, too. They really just want the sheeple to be mindless doormats.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I met a law student in the library studying for final exams. We talked. He spoke of what an ordeal school was. I spoke of how I earned the money that should flow from surviving such an ordeal and that the surviving the ordeal gave me confidence in other areas of life. Perahps I exagerrated. He beamed.

    They don't want confident people. When I first started here, I had a gut reaction and a rational reaction to the Witnesses and their ignorance. My rational reaction was that it was innocent. They just don't know better. It is hard to describe unless you experience it yourself. My parents demanded straight As (God help me if I received an A-) yet it was all bad at the same time. My confusion was no wonder.Now I see the obvious: it is a cult. Cults do not want to empower their members. Rather, they cripple members.

    This is an exceptional OP. Perhaps submitting it for publication would be a good idea. I suspect you polished it.

  • Vidqun

    Congrats Snare! Today ambition = survival. If you don't cultivate it, you're going to struggle to survive. Interestingly, the WT does use ambitious people when it suits them. At the assmblies they ask for registered nurses, doctors, etc. This is hypocrisy at its worst, and I hate hypocrites.

  • konceptual99

    It's a case of leave it to somebody else for everything...

    - want to be a doctor? Leave it to somebody else and get preaching.

    - want to be a policeman? Leave it to somebody else and get preaching.

    - want to donate blood for processing into fractions? Leave it to somebody else and get preaching.

    - want to be an engineer and build infrastructure that helps people get around? Leave it to somebody else and get preaching.

    - want to be a pilot so you can fly GB members on their zone visits? Leave it to somebody else and get preaching.

    - want to be raped and murdered for not carrying a party card? If you are a GB member then leave it to somebody else otherwise suck it up brother.

  • Lozhasleft

    Well done Snare. Ambition + hard work pays off. Enjoy.

    Loz x

  • Vidiot
    snake&racket - "ambition is not a dirty word"

    Depends how you use it.

    "He slid his throbbing, rock-hard ambition deep inside her..."

  • Jomavrick

    I applaud you Snare&Racket and totally agree with you. Ambition and achievement should always be promoted. Keep your goals top of mind and dont let anyone tell you that you cant do it, or you shouldnt try.

  • likeabird
    I applaud you Snare&Racket and totally agree with you. Ambition and achievement should always be promoted. Keep your goals top of mind and dont let anyone tell you that you cant do it, or you shouldnt try.

    You'll be amazed how far ambition can take you and how many doors will open to you. Truly a journey worth taking.

    Having an ambitious personality in the borg is like being a root-bound potted plant.

    Getting out and being able to follow your ambitions is like being re-planted in a garden able to grow how and where you want and just let your roots go deep.

    Congratulations on passing your exams!

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