The Bible ,why is it still held by millions as the word of GOD ?

by smiddy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    GOD says that there are no other GODs besides Him. He has not found any proof that any others exist therefore what He says holds true. His origin is unknown...GOD is all knowing meaning that He knows all there is to know


  • Terry

    Only among Protestants has the use of the bible as a prop to support doctrine become so important.

    Catholics have a different source of power.

    This is because of the Reformation, of course.

    Catholics have a process of "passing along" their true teachings and authority and it is called Magisterium.

    Protestants aimed to destroy that source authority and REPLACE it with a do-it-yourself approach. Martin Luther created sola scriptura instead.

    If you live in a Protestant household growing up you automatically view your family bible as the Magic 8 ball.

    What's the catch? The bible doesn't give answers. Not really. But, enough (Protestant) people superstitiously treat the bible AS THOUGH it DOES.

    So, what's going on with that?

    INTERPRETATION is substituted for authority.

    Whatever seems good or true or convincing to YOU is true and good and convincing BECAUSE "the bible tells me so."

    But, it is bait-and-switch.

    OPINIONS are made equivalent to divine messaging. The GOVERNING BODY or FDS uses this hijacking method quite smoothly.

    Very few christians have a clue how to investigate the bible as an historical document.

    Very few christians would avoid merely reading apologetic books designed to AFFIRM the authority of scripture.

    Just as JW's would "test" their idea of Truth by ONLY reading Watchtower publications.

    It is a shell game rigged for a certain outcome.

    Independent investigation of the bible takes guts and intellectual honesty.

    You have to let the chips fall where they may no matter how much it scares you.

    There are absolutely NO original manuscripts anywhere in the world.

    So what?

    So we have nothing to compare the later copies of copies with!

    It wasn't evil men with an agenda that changed and corrupted the bible. Far from it!

    It was people who THOUGHT THEY KNEW THE TRUTH who made "adjustments" as they copied or translated.

    You see, they were only trying to "help".

    But, each and every "help" was a corruption.

    Each transmission was a corruption OF a corruption of a corruption.

    All the rest is easy to understand. People who want the bible to be perfect INSIST it IS perfect (as long as it matches their own ideas and opinions.)

    Sola Scriptura means every-man-for-himself: you and the bible and holy spirit=ABSOLUTE TRUTH.

    That is why we have thousands of different opinions.

    That is why we have thousands of different denominations, sects, cults and teachings.

    And--guess what? Each one insists THEY have the ONLY TRUE teaching!

    See any problem with that??

  • SAHS


    “There are absolutely NO original manuscripts anywhere in the world . . . we have nothing to compare the later copies of copies with! . . . It wasn't evil men with an agenda that changed and corrupted the bible. Far from it! It was people who THOUGHT THEY KNEW THE TRUTH who made "adjustments" as they copied or translated. . . . each and every "help" was a corruption. Each transmission was a corruption OF a corruption of a corruption. People who want the bible to be perfect INSIST it IS perfect (as long as it matches their own ideas and opinions.)”

    That’s an important point to bring out: that likely many of these “adjustments” would have been made by people as they molded that conglomeration of literary ideas, axioms, and elaborated history into the evolving collection of Bible canon and Apocrypha we see today – these “adjustments,” of course, matching their own ideas and opinions as convenient.

    I’m sure there was a good chance that there were real people such as Moses, King David, and Jesus Christ who attracted crowds of followers and admirers, but as to the likelihood or truthfulness of the “miraculous” acts and events surrounding them as reported in the Bible, consider this: given the world history of blatant travesties, cruel and unspeakable persecutions, pogroms, crusades, and bloody wars perpetrated by powerful and self-serving people in their idiotic religious/political endeavors – people with the moral rectitude of a horny and rabid hyena – what would you say are the chances of such significant fanciful “adjustments” being applied to those “holy writings” through the ages, especially since the actual originals would have existed?

    I can see how there would be room for such tampering in those big gaps and holes in the timeline; remember, many of the Biblical accounts, including those in the Greek Scriptures, were apparently written many years after the events they describe. They say that “holy spirit” guided their memory recall. . . . . Really?

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