Email from my JW brother

by nicsfreedom 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicsfreedom

    I will not get into details as far as defending my position, just know that when reviewing his letter he does not have all the facts. Which now, I plan to go thru, if he is willing. I started a letter to him and then I decided to call because I do not want the aftermath of everything being in writing. He did answer my call but we agreed to have the conversation 30 minutes from then. He did not call back, it could be circumstantial. If you can offer any thoughts for our conversation I am also preparing a letter that I will probably follow up with anyway. Here is a copy of his letter:


    It seems so ironic that the last time we sat down together was in XXXX for lunch when you and XXXX were leaving for XXXX. We were so excited for you guys but we had no idea that behind the scenes you were not telling the whole truth as to why you were really leaving. After watching and observing from a distance it has become obvious to me that you have made a conscience decision to distance yourself from your family and the real Truth!

    All of us have to make responsible decisions as respects our paths in life. I have no doubt about what I value and have been taught from my parents and most importantly from the scriptures. It has shaped the person I am today and will be tomorrow.

    In a lot of ways it's seems disloyal to me for you to go behind my back and befriend XXXX after all she put me through with trying to ruin my reputation and not really being there for the girls when they were younger and needed a good role model.

    I ask that you stop trying to get the girls to feel sorry for your position. You left us for your new start remember. As your brother you could have picked up the phone at any time to discuss any challenges or doubts about your faith or your life.

    As a father I have the privilege and responsibility to love, protect, and give XXX and XXX the best possible guidance and direction in life. Although I am not a perfect, I ask that you respect that. Life is a work in progress...

    Your brother, XXXX

  • trujw

    If you don't mind me asking how old is he? I think it is relavent in that younger people may be more open to things. My first response would be to ask what real truth you have left and maybe mention some of the old real truths that have been proven as old lies but of course don't say that. Be prepared once I told my sister about old "truth" the conversation ended and would not get a text or call returned.

  • Mum

    It's usually best not to be on the defensive. That gives the other party the advantage. You may need to let your brother go for a while, and he wants to talk, let him come to you. You do not owe him an explanation for anything. From the sound of it, he may be accusing you of things just to put you on the defensive (the stuff about trying to get the girls to feel sorry for you). If you want pity, you're not ready for life in the real world. If he accuses you of seeking pity, he is not answering your concerns, but creating a strawman.

    Proceed with caution.

  • trujw

    Mum is right I had the jw mentality in the reverse I was right they are cult members. Questions that are asking for help are much better than statements to prove them wrong. They are turtles that go inside their shells. Once there they will never come out until you are gone.

  • steve2

    I'd agree with Mum and trujw: Proceed with caution.

    Some questions come to my mind as I read his earnest letter: Why is he writing to you now after all this time? I wonder what prompted it? Is there some kind of anniversary or something. I'm always curious about why something happens, say, now and didn't happen earlier.

    He's clearly feeling justified in writing to you. At one level, "at least" he's saying something to you. However, I suspect he "just" wants you to agree and/or say "sorry". He shows very little curiosity about what your difficulties might have been - sure he says why didn't you talk to him. He doesn't seem to have the ability to put himself in your shoes and "get" how things are for you as one sibling talking from the heart to another. And there are no clear signs he really wants to know either.

    He's very big on what's important to him.

    I get the clear impression he wants to clarify matters so he himself might be able to more completely shun you, arming himself with your response as a justification.

    As others have said, proceed with caution. You don't want to give him ammunition to use against you, but I suppose you also have your personal self-respect to consider in not wanting to let him pontificate without saying something in reply.

    Given the tone of his letter, and the fact that you did not solicit it, I suppose you could always decline to respond???

    Oh, families are great when they work - but pure hell when they don't!

  • LostGeneration

    Maybe refer to his point about "real truth" and that some things are confusing you. This only works if you haven't exposed yourself one bit as having doubts or apostate thinking.

    Simple confusion over doctrines can plant subtle seeds.

    Somthing like: "I just don't get this new generation teaching. How do overlapping generations mean one generation?" (Of course he probably doesn't even know about this at all, he will have to go research it and get back to you)

  • DesirousOfChange

    I do not want the aftermath of everything being in writing. He did answer my call but we agreed to have the conversation 30 minutes from then. He did not call back, it could be circumstantial.

    Not knowing your brother at all, this comment could be WAY outside your relationship, but I would fear that a "scheduled" conversation has the potential of having a "2nd witness" [read that an Elder] listening in on the phone conversation to see if you say anything that would qualify you as DA yourself by apostate thinking. That is no different that putting it in writing. CAN YOU TRUST YOUR BROTHER? is the question.

    It sounds like you ran off with his ex-something (ex-girlfriend; ex-wife; what?).

    It really didn't seem like much of a letter from a loving, concerned sibling.


  • nicsfreedom

    All of you provided some great points. I am chuckling inside because it was funny to read your comments and see how intuitive you all were from reading very few words from him. More interesting than that I did not have to explain myself at all and you understood my position. It is a great reminder that there are many who truly understand each other on here. I wish I could ((((hug)))) you all right now. Just to answer a few questions:

    I am the younger sibling, he is 47. Noticed how I skipped over how old I am;)

    As for the other questions and clarifications some of you had: I did not run off with his fact his ex-mother-in-law (nieces grandma) brought my nieces to come see me because my brother blow off to plans to have them come visit me 3 times in the last year. She had a great deal of expense in getting them to reunite with their aunt. Sounds like a real bad person that I should be rude to, right?

    As for the conversation being scheduled for a 2nd witness I am not concerned. I just did not want it in writing because I do not want him to show our father, which would just invite more arguments into my life. In short, my father is the one who forbid me and my husband from saying anything to the rest of the family regarding leaving the org. He said that if we did he would not tell the rest of the family to cut off association. My father did not keep his agreement and went to my brother with the news after we left the state. Between the both of them they informed several JW's and inactive JW's to not associate with us because we are apostate. Much more has happened but I intend to write a separate blog regarding the specifics.

    As for the wanting pity comments he made, I was not seeking pity from my nieces but I did explain my position to them while they were visiting. I am concerned because they are getting pressured to get baptized. Obviously, I do not want them in the same position I am. They are well aware of the shunning and disgusting behavior from JW's. Their mother has been Dfd for approx. 6 years. Hopefully, their EX JW mother is vigilant in forbidding baptism as my nieces have stated.

    On to the update: He actually did call me back! My head is spinning with all the conversation so it should be interesting to try and explain it. I thought after marinating on it last night I would have clarity, I am still confused He is fabulous in saying enough that you have to read between the lines. So I am going to go off of my instinct and hope that you do not see it as judgmental and please understand I have experience with him to make this summation. Although, he understands that my motives were pure he wants me to ignore what happened in the past. Basically, he wants me to believe the organization is pure in its intentions and he doesn't think we should focus on the negativities. Because of how it is affecting him. I attempted to point out why I have learned otherwise. If he listened to half of what I said (which he typically doesn't) I have planted some seeds of doubt. He paused and seemed genuine interested in a few things I mentioned because he follow up with questions.

    I would drive myself crazy trying to explain all of the discussion but there was one topic that was perfectly setup. I asked him "do you really think that Jehovah God waited until the last 100 years to pick his true religion?" He said he didn't, he chose it in Pentecost 33 CE. I said please do me a favor and pay attention to your July 15th watchtower. You are already out of date with your explanation. He said he would. I want to thank those on the board for highlighting these topics. It was very cool to know more about Watchtower news before he did, ha!!! Needless to say he was quite after that one

    He just seemed to repeatly make enough excuses regarding my situation. That I really needed to keep digging for truth. Although, I stated over and over that I found out "truth" I just don't think his JW brain could justify talking to me anymore unless I was in a doubting faze. In the end I reassured him that I am not living in the past but I am in wonderful place and have found truth. I did not say it to him but I am hesitant to invite my JW family back into my life because I have become a healthy person without them in it. I know I am getting ahead of myself because it isn’t very likely that they will really have anything to do with me. I may need to readjust my thinking on that. I just know deep down they have selfish motives for wanting me barely attached to them. OK, I am rambling now so I better stop.

    Thank you again for all the great advice!

  • ABibleStudent

    Your Brother's Letter - After watching and observing from a distance it has become obvious to me that you have made a conscience decision to distance yourself from your family and the real Truth!

    Hi nicsfreedom, It seems after your conversation with your brother that he is open to talking with you. Can you ask your brother simple questions using the WTBTS's propaganda to improve his critically thinking skills? If you brother likes to be vague, asking simple questions, may help him to verbalize his thoughts and increase his cognitive disonance.

    Something as simple as, "What do you feel that I must ignore and why?" or "What would you be unable to ignore and why?" may increase your brother's critically thinking skills.

    If your brother does not respond to one of your questions, let him marinate in his own thoughts until he says something and then ask him another similiar question that stumps him.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • nicsfreedom

    That is an interesting thought Robert. If conversations continue I will definetly keep that in mind. I have thought of something similiar before, your words are more palatable, especially for his personality.

    I have another quick update: He requested my friendship again on facebook (after he unfriended me a few days ago)so maybe he is coming around. He is probably a little embarrassed. I have not accepted it yet. I am trying to clean up the activity on my acount so i don't push him over the edge, ha!

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