The only thing a JW needs to know to be set free from their religion

by yadda yadda 2 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    In my opinion, the new light regarding the FDS addresses this question, if there was no FDS from the 3rd century on until 1918, and yet the article states that there were anointed followers here and there during that almost 2000 years of no FDS, then what organization did they follow? There was no organization, yet they were anointed per the article. It appears that they must have simply been judged worthy without any affiliation to any standing organization. That point, my friends, will be the most difficult aspect of the new light to try to make sense of. Over the course of the modern day organization, it has been driven home that God does not work without an organization to represent his interests. Well, that is apparently no longer the case.

  • HarryMac

    I always found it unsettling that we couldn't even get through to christians in a christian nation... nevermind all the chinese that hadn't even heard of the WT nevermind all the other 'weird' religions. [this is how I remember thinking of it all]

    If Armageddon comes this weekend they're all going to die?

    Did I really believe that deep down? Probably not... I pushed those unpleasant questions out of my mind to soon to know.

  • Rattigan350

    "In your heart of hearts, do you really, honestly, truly believe a God of love is going to slaughter all of them because they never took a Watchtower and Awake magazine on a Saturday morning?"

    Let's hope so. Who needs muslims or Budhists anyway. Without them the world with be more peaceful.

    the military is trying to get rid of them now. Withiout those billions, there would be more for the rest of us.

    I don't know why this is an issue. Those same billions will die within the next 70 years anyway.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Laverite, yes my title does sound a bit like one of those "the secret to golf" informercials, but anything to draw a curious lurker in huh. btw, I was a born-in JW who belonged to the religion for 35 years.

    "jah knows their hearts.If he sees that they are looking for the truth he will see that they find it"

    That's the stock-standard response from most JW's. And it holds the key to freedom from this cult, because it poses a dilemma that JW's can't really answer, as follows:

    If certain Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc, will be saved because they had "good hearts" and thus were drawn to the organisation, then why is it necessary to belong to the JW religion at all for salvation if it just comes down to our heart condition before evening belonging to the religion?

    Why could such ones not just be allowed to just survive Armageddon if they had a heart condition so good that Jehovah or the angels would actually manouever them to become a JW?

    Would a God of love and justice kill such a person with a good heart at Armageddon because there wasn't time or it was practically impossible for them to join up to the JW religion, eg, a pygmy in the remote Brazilian jungle?

    If Jehovah was to do that, he would have trampled on his own standards. It would mean it was pointless to have to draw others into the JW religion in the first place. Jehovah could have just reviewed all of the "good hearts" amongst the billions of mankind at Armageddon and let those ones survive, without any need of any religious institution requiring your membership.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    My comment from another thread below sums up the only thing a JW needs to know or decide on to be set free from their religion, in fact from ALL religion:

    "The greatest epiphany I've had in my life is the realisation that the Bible cannot possibly be 'inspired' of 'God' when that 'God' is portrayed as sanctioning or causing immoral, unconscionable crimes against humanity such as killing children, ethnic cleansing, drowning the earth's population, etc, atrocities universally condemned that no normal, enlightened human being would ever do.

    The Christian (or Muslim) is left with a choice of either rejecting the inerrancy of the Bible, or believing it is inerrant and thus having to believe in and worship a monstrous anthropomorphic projection of 'God' invented by ancient priestcraft."

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