Weed Cures Crohn's Disease?

by metatron 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    I freely admit that the above sounds too good to be true (no side effects??) but it makes for interesting reading.


  • Quarterback

    Sounds like something I should at least try out.


  • LisaRose

    Hmmm...I guess my ex husband was just treating his Chron's all these years, I just thought he was into drugs.

  • frankiespeakin

    If you don't want the high effect grow your own and eat it raw my suggestion is get a high CBD:THC ratio producing strain and eat it regularly raw not dried and you won't get high plus you get more cannibiniods fresh and raw thus more health benifits.

  • cantleave

    Hmmm - If I had Crohn's I wouldn't be adverse to giving it a go. What other excuses could I find?

  • Satanus

    It can also be used as a preventative for chrones. Why wait until you are afflicted? The side effects are actually quite nice.


  • cantleave

    It can also be used as a preventative for chrones.

    Never read any evidence of that....

  • Satanus

    Well, its easy to falsify. All it would take is a weed smoker to develop chrones. In the meantime, he can enjoy the side effects.


  • snare&racket

    The most interesting cure i have seen for Crohn's is.... Poo.

    one of my friends has pan colitis, he asked me to look to see if there was any interesting new trials going on and I found this very interesting approach.

    Fecal implants. Someone from your family (someone with similar gut flora) donates poop for your bowel.

    The truth is that we don't really know the cause of these disorders, they appear multifactoral. Genes are involved and bacterial colony is involved. We know that of all the different types of bacteria in your gut, if they get out of balance and one dominates more than others, things go wrong (c-diff). Fecal implants are based on the idea that repopulating the bowel with commensal flora will calm things down. It has been attempted with colitis, crohns and c-diff. The results are impressive.... Consider that most kids with crohns and colitis end up under the knife.


  • snare&racket

    Ps... Also....smoking helps colitis. Often, adult colitis patients come to hospital presenting with new symptoms having recently stopped smoking. The bowel has nicotinic receptors. No.... We don't have receptors for nicotine, but we have receptors that nicotine by random chance also can activate as well as the normal substrate that activates it. They are similar shapes to each other. Hence we call them nicotinic receptors.

    But smoking does help colitis for sure.

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