Despite the denials from Ariel Castro's brothers, the family knew he was violent.

by wha happened? 23 Replies latest social current

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    This article from CNN details an interview from the ex daughter in law of Ariel Castro. She was told then about his behavior from the Mother in Law and then husband. Plus she witnessed his behavior first hand. The brothers went on record as completley aloof of his actions. But the truth is that Ariel Castro is a violent sick man, and the family knew it.

  • *lost*

    I really cannot understand how people are supposed to just believe the brothers new nothing of what was going on.

    they all lived in the house together. those women were in there for like 10 yrs ?

    also did you notice their dishevelled condition on the police mug-shots, and how they were cleaned up and polished up for the tv interview either.

    I wonder if Ariel was just the fall guy, taking all the rap.

    or is there any involvement to embellishing this story by the Police and social services cos they messed up, failed, and would be sued etc.

    conspiracy theories abound.

    There is a high profile case over in the uk at the moment. Gangs of Pakistani men and of Pakistani origin, countrywide, not just one, involved in child abuse and human trafficking. The children were known to social services and the polic, nothing was done.

    One mother even begged for help.

    Yet is is well known and talked about in the communities over there about these type of men and what was going on.


    They should be kicked out of the country as undesirables.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I did not know this story is being reported in the Great Britain?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Well the brothers denied knowing "anything".

    "If I knew that my brother was doing this ... I would call the cops because that ain't right," said Pedro Castro. "It's going to haunt me down, because people going to think, 'Yeah, Pedro got something to do with this,' and, 'Pedro don't have nothing to do with this.' If I knew, I would have reported it -- brother or no brother."

    However, the ex daughter on law described his ex mother in law getting beaten to a pulp. There is no way in hell, they were this disconnected. They knew he was sick and violent, and yet never called the police.

    I knew it was only a matter of time before someone started telling the truth

  • james_woods

    What caused me to doubt this story was the reported fact that he had introduced the six year old girl to his mother as "his daughter".

    The family did not even bother to ask if he had gotten married, or who his "wife" was?

    Sorry - these people were enablers by just overlooking their crazy relative.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Yea their story about being completley in the dark doesn't hold water. BTW, don't they look like a couple of JW's all cleaned up?

  • zeb

    Band on the run: and in australia too.

  • moshe

    He took the little girl to McDonalds! He was comfortable enough to do that- took her out of the house and back- nobody notices diapers, then toddler clothes, then toys, then a bike in the yard? They are all lying about not knowing anything. The police are gathering facts- getting statments- pretty soon they will have the goods on them- the lies will come to the top. We haven't seen the bottom of this yet- or heard the testimony from the women.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It will be shocking what was "overlooked" by the family.

    Honestly, some people just enable others. No matter how violent or destructive they are. My sister had a daughter out of wedlock. She hardly paid attention to the child. Most of the time, the child stayed with my parents, or with my other sister. The other sister even spoke about adoption. During this whole time, all the family did was whine about the Dad, and his absence from the daughter's life. I made A LOT of noise as to who was the most damaging to the child's emotional stability. My parents didn't like what I said, especially after I threateneed to call Child Protective services.

    Eventually my sister decided to become an adult and raise her child. The family never once acknowledged her terrible behavior, but never once stopped villianizing the Dad.

    When it comes to family, people get plain stupid

  • *lost*

    Band - what makes you think I'm in Britain, just cos I'm a brit.

    World news

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