Were You Ever Interrogated By The Elders?

by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Some elders enjoy giving the business to the lowly flock thru intimidation.

    Some love to ask you to enter with them into the "backroom".

    Of course, there were many that never had run-ins with the shepherds because they were under the radar.

    Did YOU ever get interrogatted by the elders and if so, how did it go???

  • TotallyADD

    Yes about one month after my wife and I was married. A sisters worldly husband saw my wife and I having a beer at a local restaurant with our meal and he accused us of being to happy because we were laughing and holding hands and enjoying ourselves. We must be drunk. So 3 elders pulled us into the back room and told us we should not drink beer in public anymore because people might think we are drunk. And having fun in public sets a bad example to others. I was to young to tell them to stick their heads were the sun don't shine but it has always stuck in my crawl all my life. Totally ADD

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Double Post...

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Oh yeah. Five times. Six if you count the tongue lashing Mrs. Dazed and I received at a “loving” Shepparding visit about some Facebook comments we had about 4 or 5 years ago.

    The other times where when I told a study kid my age, about 16, to fu#k off. I was baptized at 13 and should have "known better."

    Another time when me and 5 or 6 friends were caught at a park past midnight hanging out. We never did anything but the elders were following another elder’s daughter because they suspected she was up to something. The elders in that hall were known as the “Gestapo” by others in our hall as well as other cities near by because of how they hounded everyone for anything. It was really ridiculous. They would pull you in the back room with just a whisper of some possible misbehavior.

    Other times for making out with my then girl friend, now wife. Another for huffing gas… That was fun but really dumb. I had no idea how dangerous it was till later.

    Then the last time was a JC meeting for drunkenness. I was not DF’d but publicly reproved. That’s when I started my “wake up”.

    So yupp, I've been interrogated many times.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    TotallyADD - Unfu#king believable.

    Having fun in public sets a bad example? wow

  • minimus

    yeah....and don't hold hands during prayer in public.

  • Gojira_101

    I've never been interrogated for anything I did personally, but when I was regular pioneering (I was about 17, 18 at the time) on one of the days the only service group was about 30 minutes north of the KH, and being a regular pioneer you needed service time. Anyway it was one of those type of deals where in the morning was service and then at 12 was book study (the one for the poor elderly brothers and sisters who can't drive at night), then service after book study.

    One day after book study the two elders who are there ask to speak with me and (thank god it was just in the living room and not the bedroom, who knows what would have happened to me) started asking about sister Jones. Now sister Jones was a few years older than me and she was part of the "in" crowd of the other young people in the hall. That group of kids never allowed into their group.

    On this day both elders start questioning me about sister Jones. Do you hang out with her? Do you know who does? Have you "heard" anything about sister Jones?...etc...etc. I thought it was really weird and I honestly had no info for the elders because she never talked to me.

    Fast forward to a couple months and sister Jones and some of the other kids are df'ed, and some of their parents have become apostate.

    Looking back NOW, it all makes perfect sense.


  • Gojira_101

    God forbid a husband and wife put one arm around each other during prayer. It might bring up lustful thoughts in the couple and others who see it.

  • minimus

    I just don't understand their reasoning on that one.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Only when my now wife and I requested to use the KH for our wedding talk. They wanted to make very sure nothing inappropriate happened during our courting. Was quite uncomfortable.

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