"Sit at my right hand" - WHEN?

by EdenOne 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Larsinger58

    EDEN: Consider these three details:

    a) The fourth beast is slained BEFORE the "Son of Man" is presented before the Ancient of Days (7:11-13);

    b) The first three beasts survive "for a season and time" the demise of the fourth beast, albeit without their former authority. (Daniel 7:11, 12)

    c) Nowhere in the text is said that is the "Son of Man" that executes juddgement upon this fourth beast (Daniel 7:26); Actually, his beligerance is against the "Most High" (God) and the "saints of the Most High" (the Jews), NOT against the "Son of Man" (Daniel 7:25)

    Since you are reflecting on the four beasts, this is just how some others are interpreting this. Note that when the Medo-Persian Empire is taken over by the Greek world power, it is represented as a he-goat killing a ram. Note thus when successive world powers are depicted in the Bible, one replaces the others.

    In the case of the four beasts, though, we find no interaction between the four at all. Further, the fourth beast mentioned is destroyed by fire with the remaining three still existing. Further, it is said they give up their sovereignty or rulership at this time -- so we have to presume they are all active world powers existing together at the same time. Further, the fourth beast is said not to be like the other three. So in the most generic sense the Bible is telling us that the fourth beast is not the typical political world power, but something else, something ambiguous.

    So some are interpreting the fourth beast, since it is destroyed by fire, to represent "Babylon the Great" who meets her death by fire at the hands of the U.N., the scarlet-colored beast that she rides. Also in Revelation we understand that this scarlet-colored wild beast, which represents the U.N. becomes the eighth and final king. Thus the idea of the other three beasts giving up their rulership after the destruction of Babylon the Great is consistent with the U.N. takeover or global politics. The fourth beast, Babylon the Great, is unlike the formal political organizations because it controls the world and influences the world using money. Anyone controlling the world economy can bring the world to its knees, which is what we are seeing today.

    So, you might consider linking these beasts with modern, co-existing kingdoms. For sure, the 3rd beast, the one withi "power indeed" is clearly a hands-down absolute military world power. Thus this is a time when there would be one clearcut military power with no rivals. That is what we have today. Thus the US and its allies would be the Leopard, the beast with all the military power in the world now. The Bear would represent Russia. "Flesh" in the Bible reflects the natural Jews so the bear eating flesh would reflect persecution of the Jews. The Lion, which was once aggressive militarily but then becomes peaceful and more civilized would be a reference to Japan. Japan was very aggressive militarily during WWII, but after two atomic bombs were dropped on them, they decided to make a 100% turnaround in their national policies and totally got out of politics and became non-nuclear. Even so, they remained a major world power economically.

    If we apply what little chronology there is to this scenario, it would seem that after the U.N. destroys BTG, that is, outlaws the Illuminati-based international bankers like the Federal Reserve and takes over world authority, they will remain in power for "a time and a season" before Armageddon occurs. During this time, apparently the U.N. will establish some level of "peace and security" in the world at which time their short stint at world rulership will end.

    Again, consider these four beasts are co-existing! This can't be a reference to successive world powers since if you kill the last beast you kill all of them! If these are co-exiting beasts, though, then if you kill one, the others should remain, which is precisely how the Bible is reflecting this -- when the fourth beast mentioned is killed off, then the other three still remain, they just give up their rulerships. Of course, if they were all still ruling at this time, it is clear these are not ancient world powers, right? The context shows these are co-existing, independently ruling world powers that give up their rulership when the ambiguous fourth beast, that is, a non-political beast, is destroyed.

    What I'm getting out of this is that when the U.N. takes over world government, which they have to in order to destroy the Federal Reserve, is that Armageddon will come after "a time and a season" which is a year and 3-4 months?

    I know you have your own views, but these are just some thoughts for you to consider since you are still looking to scripture for fulfillment, which is wonderful. Many others have given up on Bible prophecy or relevance to modern events. It is refreshing to see some keeping abreast of these things. God promised that more light and more understanding would come forth at the time these prophecies were to be fulfilled during the end times.

    Have a nice day.

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