I'm not DF or DA, but I still get shunned...

by darthfader 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I'm checking tylinbrando...I know I've got that quote somewhere. Hang on...

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Here you go Tylinbrando:


    Also, if you go to the Watchtower's official website, it says that JWs do not shun. Of course, it's flat-out lie and the way it's worded on the website gives a false impression and does not convey all the facts. It is deliberately deceptive and evades the real answer by clever wording. Anyone who's read WT literature, especially in the past two years, knows what the real policy is.

    Here's the link:


  • Adam Believed
    Adam Believed

    I quit going to the meetings pretty much out of the blue (no real fade) but always go up to the "friends" and say hi when I see them out and about... A few shunned me right away as if I had been DF'd or I DA'd. It was crazy! Now I'm speaking out a bit about my doubts and I think I've been found guilty in the court of public opinion in the shunning congregation of jehovah's fakers... Now I'm just having fun with it...

  • blondie

    weak spiritually

    bad association

    *** w99 8/1 pp. 23-24 Peer Pressure—Can It Be to Your Advantage? ***

    Even within the Christian congregation, we can come under the influence of unwholesome peer pressure if we choose spiritually weak individuals as our close associates. (1 Corinthians 15:33; 2 Thessalonians 3:14) Such ones often are not inclined to discuss spiritual matters; they may even ridicule those who enjoy such discussions. If we choose these ones as our close associates, peer pressure may force us into a similar mold, and soon we might find our thinking and attitude reflecting theirs. We may even begin to think negatively of those who are genuine in their faith and who are trying to make spiritual advancement.—1 Timothy 4:15.

    How much wiser it is to cultivate friendships with those who strive to please Jehovah, who delight in spiritual matters!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    The only JWs I run into now r old friends from my first cong via facebook or phone but haven't run into anyone from my last cng even tho many of them shop at the same place and so I've not yet felt the joy of face to face shunning. I did have one sanctimoniously tell me on Facebook she was about to unfriend me because of my liberal views and at least she told me!

  • darthfader

    LostGeneration... Yes, I do have cooties and they keep me warm at night :)

    Satnus, interesting observation -- I like that "What planet are you from..." what a way to turn it around on them.

    Shirley, It's nice to know that the JW's don't practice shunning... I feel so much better now. It must have been the cooties.

    Blondie, when we were in my wife and I used to associate with a number of couples. We started seeing the cult for what it is and slowly became inactive. It was about that time that several couples we were pretty close with started canceling any outings with us. They'd tell us that we needed to go out in service more before they would associate with us anymore...
    It really is true that "cults shoot their wounded."

  • dazed but not confused
  • zeb

    Status checking indeed. and the next one is "Do you know Fred and Jill (and this is always followed by) they are a lovely spiritual couple. Jill came from the blah blah congregation and her mother is... and "

    Why oh why do jw have to go down the geneology thing anytime they meet someone. Please just say "Hi" How are you going Pleased to meet you"

    and as Im reporting fromAustralia and you from the us it must be a taught thing to do.

    Julia. you 'friend' was unshunning you over your liberal views? does this mean she has been..... thinking?

    and what is cooties. that expression is alien here?

    thanks and good morning from Australia 0936 WST

  • LongHairGal


    JWs are simply terrified and harbor doubts they can't deal with. They suffer from cognitive dissonance which they work to suppress. But, it stubbornly surfaces like a cork somebody tries to keep under water.

    When JWs run into "faders" like us (and they get the sense we're content), they can't deal with it. If you ran into somebody who was starting to wake up, they might be curious and talk to you.

    I wouldn't take it too personally when they run away. The religion's teachings can't withstand the light of day.

  • free2beme

    Out is out, if they got to label you at exit with DA or DF ... then they feel they slapped you down a bit, and kind of mentally masterbated over the power. If you faded, they still want that jack off moment of thinking they got you and say to themselves, oh that feels so good. So basically, don't let them beat off to the image of you and stay away and know they are perverts.

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